
Foods with few or no calories?

by  |  earlier

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I'm very confused about something and asking this may make me look very stupid but I'll do it anyways. Okay so for foods that have little or no calories, like let's say celery for example. If someone eats celery and burns it off, where does the celery go? I mean, it's still food that has physical weight to it so does "burning it off" make it basically evaporate, or just pass through the system quickly?




  1. Celery is one of those foods that is considered to have "negative calories."  It's composed almost completely of cellulose, which is indigestible by humans, so it moves through the body without being absorbed.  However, the human body tries to digest and absorb it, thereby burning calories in the process.

    Hope that makes sense!

  2. eat healthy thats always good!

    it passes through your system quickly... well atleat i think that is what happens

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