
Foot & Mouth & the EU, A plot?

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I get the feeling that the latest outbreak of foot & mouth is probably caused by our EU, so called, partners looking to ban the export of British Beef yet again. this is part of their continued attack on our Agriculture and Industry.




  1. Oh yeah, cause everything is a conspiracy.  Like the last outbreak that cost Britain 8.5 million pounds.

  2. Well there's definately a plot afoot, that's for sure.

    Strange item on the news this eve, something about the previous outbreak [the last time].  Apparently the media in the States were told that all the footpaths in UK were closed to the public.  They took this to mean the sidewalks.  Thus no one came to London.

    Hello America - London = no cows in streets.  Where you think this is?  Texas?

  3. I actually think this "outbreak" is part of a government ploy to make us accept this constitution that they are signing up for. The export of our meat will be banned and we will be made to accept imports from Europe.(That is supposed to show how they are close to us and we will get used to not producing our own food). This is all part of the plan to destroy our agricultural industry. That has been the plan since we first entered the EC when we signed away our fishing rights. It may be that the Americans are involved, that would make sense, they do not want us to be independent, and they want us to have closer ties with Europe. There is a lot more to all this than meets the eye.

  4. snodders ma man

    Cattle and poultry diseases have now been around as long as mankind. and along with other  disasters like the Irish potato famine and the black death we have had to confront them.

    You may recall that during the last outbreak, and along with BSE the infection carried across many political boundaries.

    You may not like the EU - many don't even those who are very much in the centre of it-  but the French farmers have a 'sophisticated 'way of blocking UK imports. They simply drive their tractors to Calais etc and Bobs votre oncle.

    I look forward to another explanation from you. you are after all, a thinking man, are you not ?    :)

  5. Its a great theory!. just needs a little research to establish some facts. Could be the makings of a great book as well. Mmmm, you've got me thinking....

  6. I don't get the same feeling. The only feeling I get is in fact a question: do you get the same conspiracy theory in mind when somebody else is in a similar position? That would be interesting to know. Or do you employ it only when you're threatened. It should work both ways in order to be true.

  7. Personally, I think that the Martians are involved.

    Why is this a conspiracy?  A lab made a very damaging mistake.  Simple.

    By the way, if our exports of beef were to be targetted by a conspiracy, the consipirators would not have used foot and mouth, but rather would have spread BSE.

  8. conspiracy theory nutters - dontchajustluvem

  9. The outbreak occurred from a drug company nearby who were working on foot and mouth vaccines from an old strain of the disease.

    They think that maybe some was put down the drain without it being destroyed properly and the recent floods in the area caused heavy run offs in the surrounding fields. The drug centre was also at the centre of an outbreak in 1959 as well. It is US owned and i would not have put it past them as a gentle reminder to tell Gordon Brown whose side he better be on. GET THE HINT.

  10. could be agriculture espionage

  11. hi. personally I am beginning to wonder if that out break and the failed terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow were staged managed to make our brand spanking new Super Leader Gordon - is it a plane? - Brown look good. He flew home very fast to take charge of the foot and mouth situation.

  12. An American pharmaceutical company appeared to be responsible for the foot and mouth outbreak in Britain. Merial, which makes foot-and-mouth vaccines. So where does your EU theory come into this?

  13. you could be right there could be some truth in that

  14. So which mind bending drugs is it you are taking?

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