
Foot Pain And Running?

by Guest67137  |  earlier

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i run 6 days a week, and lately i've been feeling pain on the top of my foot, even when i'm not running. can this be solved by getting better shoes? (i've been using mizunos, but the soles have worn down a bit)




  1. I have the same prob. My feet are very narrow, so I lace my shoes tight in order to keep good support and I get swelling across the top of my feet. I switched to Asics and I wear cushy socks and that has helped my situation.

  2. First of all, this have nothing to do with how much you run - as long as you do not feel tired all the time. (I ran 8 -9 times a week for 70 miles and my feet are perfectly fine at the age of 40 - this is not show off, just to prove my points).

    Your shoe could be the problem - general rule of thumb is replace your running shoe every 6 month or 400 miles, which ever come FIRST. You might be able to stretch on the time portion a little bit if the shoe are quality RUNNING shoe, but not by much though.

    One other possibility is: you tie your shoes too tight. If you can not remove your shoes without untie them easily, then they are too tight (Note, you might can not put them on easily without untie them).

    Hope this cleared all the confusion here.

  3. eat more bananas

    you need more potassium

  4. Hey, yeah I had this problem a while ago and its hurts i know!

    Usually these are very common for a person that run that much. Try putting ice and not doing any running and not a lot of walking. You should try to run on even level because usually this happens by going up or down level way too fast. This could be because of your shoes but before going to that conclusion try putting ice and being less active for a week or two. If your shoes are the problem then go buy new shoes. You should go see a doctor if this doesn't stop in a few weeks

    Thanks for reading and good luck!

  5. it could be a stress fracture in your foot from running so much. take it easy for a little and if it doesnt get any better or it gets worse, see a doctor.

  6. stress fracture
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