
Foot pain in my 2 year old?

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My daughter who is 2 years old. For about 2 weeks she will be walking and then stop and fall to the ground and cry and say her left foot hurts. and when I ask her where she points to the arch of her foot. I made an appt. but can't get in until the 15th. any ideas on what is wrong?




  1. Are her shoes supporting her properly, maybe go to the shoe shop and get them to check her shoes.

    Could be just growing pains though or a way of getting your attention.

  2. There are some shoes made for kids of this age ...I cant remember who makes them but theyre all white and they look like baby twins had them my doctor told me it would help support them as they learn to walk.

  3. I would say it could be growing pains, or her shoes are not right for her.  Even if they used to be okay, 2 yr olds are constantly growing.  I'm sure there could be a lot of other possibilities too though.  Does she do it when she is barefoot?

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