
Foot swollen and in pain. Didn't injure it in anyway?

by  |  earlier

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My dad says his foot is swollen and in lots of pain. Its near the toe area and he can't walk because of the pain. He did not drop anything on it or injure it in anyway. Why would this happen?




  1. I had a simular issue a couple of years ago and thought my toe was broken.  Waited for several days and finally went to the dr because it hurt like a mo-fo.  IT turns out my foot was sprained.  How I dont know, I did nothing to it.  

  2. Veins  

  3. he has fungus...

    or it could be some kind of cancer, dude...

    check with ur doctor

  4. I agree it does sound like gout but their all also many other things with the same symptoms.  Your dad needs to see a doctor.

    have you ever seen the symptom checker on the web md website?  You should check it out.

  5. A possibility is if he kicked something hard.  It happened to me.  In a fit of anger I kicked a door hard.  After several hours I noticed I was limping without realizing it.  A few hours later that night my foot was swollen and I was in intense pain.  The doctor gave me 800 mg. motrin and that really helped the pain.  It could also happen by stubbing your foot or stomping your foot hard enough.  And let's not forget the possibility of an insect bite.

    If you can't get the 800mg. motrin, hospitals use Excedrin and Motrin combined for pain.  They also use it for bringing down a fever.  Good to know.

    Sorry I can't help you more than this.  Good luck to you.

  6. Gout.

    He needs to see a doctor to have a blood test done.  In the meantime drink lots of cherry juice and avoid rich foods and alcohol.

  7. Sounds like gout. He needs to see a doctor. He will order bloodwork and put him on a medication to help get rid of it. It's caused by high levels of uric acid in the bloodstream.

  8. Sounds like gout, which is a buildup of lactic acid.  Go to the doctor and there's medicine that can treat it.

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