
Foot tattoos - what kind of shoes?

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I have waited for 3 years wanting the same tattoos, just to make sure I wanted them, and have decided that I am going to get them. I want a magpie on each foot, and they will be about 2 inches square each. Firstly, I have quite a low pain threshold so I want to know if they are stupidly painful? And secondly, can I just wear ballet pumps for a few days til they heal?




  1. I have one on my foot. I expected the pain to be really bad, it wasnt as bad as i thought. I just got one on my side, right under my bra all the way down to my pant line, it hurt ALOT! Good luck, just remember that once its over, you have the ink forever!  

  2. Its takes a tattoo 2 weeks to heal. The more bone in the area of the tattoo will hurt alot. I have one on my ankle and it hurt bad its not that close to the bone I would rethink. You will not be able to wear shoes for a week

  3. Uuummm, tattoos hurting, well, they all do to a degree. I've heard that the feet do hurt more than your arms, because there is no fat, however, once the outline is done, I can tell you that your skin pretty much numbs itself up on it's own so it doesn't remain painful. And when I say painful, it's more like a constant kitty scratching.

    I have 7, and each one hurt in a different way, but none of them was so bad that I wanted to die. I too, am not tolerable to pain.

    As far as the shoes, I will tell you that you're not going to want to wear anything that will cause sweat or rub the area, because that will be worse than actually getting the tattoo.

  4. I have a tattoo on my foot and i am not going to lie it hurt pretty bad. I also have a low pain tolerance and i sat through the whole thing. I wore flip flops until mine healed. and ballet flats works for mine. The tattoo sits right above the shoe.

    Good luck! :)

  5. ok well first of all foot tattoos are very painful. the skin on feet is very thin and your bone is right there so the needle practically hits the bone. if you already know that you have a low pain tolerance you should think twice about getting it on your foot any somewhere wheres there more fat and skin. but if your really sure about wanting them on your feet then try meditating while your getting them, concentrate on breathing and block out of your mind the fact that a needle(or many needles) are stabbing into your skin. that worked for me. just completely clear your brain.

    also ballet shoes are perfect that's what i wore when i got my foot tattooed.

    and theres really no describing the pain of a tattoo it feels different for everyone, but just remember when your getting it that pain is only temporary, but the tattoo will last for ever.

  6. It is good you have thought about the same picture and waited so long to make sure. Sounds like you are definitely ready to commit to it. Pain is different for each person. None of my tattoos ever went numb after the first few minutes. It was more like it just kept on stinging constantly till he was done doing it. Your threshold for pain is not as important as your ability to control yourself and hold still while the artist is working. If you keep making jumpy movements each time they prick you, you're going to end up with some slightly wavy lines where they should be smooth or straight, (kind of like when someone bumps you or the table when you're trying to write). The pain is part of the ritual of getting the tattoo, and believe me, once it heals, you will be proud of yourself for going through it.

    The artist will probably tell you to keep the tattoo covered with a nonstick dressing of some sort and coat it with non-medicated ointment for about a week. This helps to prevent it from getting infected or "tearing" your skin along the tattoo lines and causing it to bleed. Any shoes that dont rub on the area will be fine.  

  7. I just got my own foot tattoo yesterday. It hurt a great deal, and for me it kept stinging until an hour after it was done. My sister got one on her foot the same day, and she was cursing up a storm, and even commented, "This makes going through labor look like nothing."

    But it's not pain where you can't do it again or black out. It's just incredibly painful, but the results were totally worth it. My foot never went 'numb,' for me, the pain just got worse throughout. I told the artist, and he said that he was the same way.

    Ballet pumps and flats are basically what I'm wearing too. You should probably wear those for a few weeks, not just a couple days, though. =]

  8. NEVER recover a tattoo with anything while it is healing! It hurts but it is tolerable. On a scale of 1 to 10 it will be a 7 but it will only last a few minutes and it will be there forever. You can do it.

    Ballet pumps should be fine for healing. Nice pic! Hope they turn out as awesome as I think they will!

  9. The "more bone in the area" doesnt make a difference...

    the thickness of the skin and its relation to the nearest nerve bundle make the difference...

    the foot, unfortunately, is fairly painful, but countless women sit through foot tattoos every week in my shop... youll be fine, just try and take good care of them!

  10. mine hurt like the dickens

    wear flip flops if at all possible during the healing process.

    if you have to wear shoe shoes- wear saran wrap over it to cover it from socks/rubbing.

    keep lotion on it and sun block when out and about

  11. i have a tattoo on my foot....everyone says that its a very paiful spot to put a tattooo....i dont know if maybe i just handle pain very well but the only part that was somewhat painful was when they would go over my vein....

  12. yes they ******* hurt. the skin on the foot is different then the rest on the body, and i have a very high tolerance for pain. and many tattoos that didn't hurt.

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