
Football Ankle injury?

by  |  earlier

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Ok today i was in footbal practice and my foot fell into a hole on the field.

i fell down on the side and it hurts like crazy. this happened 2 times.

now when i walk and move my ankle it hurts. what should i do to make it better asap




  1. get it checked out by the doctorr!!!!

    even if u think its just a sprain still go to the doctor!

    lol i thought i had just a sprained wrist

    but i went to the docs and its fractured.

    so just to be safe go to the docs or pediatrition

  2. i think you sprained your ankle..


    rest -stay off it for awhile. you could make it worse

    ice -the area no more than 10-15 minutes for a few hours. 10 minutes one hour, 10 minutes the next .. etc.

    compression -or gently massage

    elevation -prop your foot up on some pillows as your watch tv or something. make sure your foot is above heart level. this lets less blood flow down towards your foot.

    tell your coach..  
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