
Football Burnout Help?

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In 7th and 8th grade, I used to love playing football, and even practice wasn't that bad. I wouldn't say I was the best on the team, but I started.

Then 9th grade came, and while there was more pressure to succeed and win, I still played, but I can't say I enjoyed it anywhere as near as I did 7th and 8th grade. It was still fun, but I felt like I was going just because I already agreed to play.

Then JV/Varsity Football started this past January, and I have been going to football related practices 3 days a week ever since, up until the past two weeks which were camp. Starting in March, I started making up excuses to not go to weight lifting, which was not mandatory, but highly recommended. Then during camp, I felt like there was no point in being there. It got to the point where I wished I was injured because it felt like I was getting nothing out of all these practices, and that the only reason I was going was because most of my friends are on the team, and my dad wants me to play, although doesn't come out and say it right away.

During the second week of camp, I thought about quitting, but didn't because I didn't want to be viewed as a quitter, so I just faked an injury to get out of practice. Upon reflection, I felt that I might as well quit, but I don't really want to have to face telling my parents and coaches that I don't want to play anymore.

Any help?




  1. Who's #1?  You are.  You will never be able to please all of the people in your life, so don't try.  You can only do what makes you happy and try to be a good person.  Football sounds like it is making you miserable.  I know you don't want to disappoint people, but they will get over it.  I would quit now because you don't want to let your teammates down, or coaches down once the season really gets under way.  It will be okay even though it seems like a big deal now.  

  2. Only play if it is enjoyable to you.  And obviously it isn't.  I can understand what you're saying that you think your parents and coaches expect you to suceed by playing football but you really are just wasting your time.  If your parents and coaches care about your interests than they will be able to accept you not playing.  If I were you I would tell them it isn't enjoyable to you anymore and that you would ratherdo a different sport/club in school/ or just nothing and only focus on your school work.

    Good luck! I know everything will work out!

  3. There's really no point in participating in a sport like football unless you really enjoy it. You're getting older, and your priorities change with time. This does not make you a quitter. You enjoyed it before, but now you want to move on. So move on.

      If you are playing just because you said you would is not a good reason. You have signed no contract with anyone. If you keep it up then you will end up hating it.

      There is nothing wrong with taking some time off, and trying something else. There's nothing preventing you from trying out for a team next year is there? Don't be afraid of disappointing people. Plus, you might give another player a chance at starting. Unhappy players don't perform very well anyway.

       You need to do what's right for you.

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