
Football Special Report: Rating Liverpool’s Positions and What They Need To Change (Part 5)

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Football Special Report: Rating Liverpool’s Positions and What They Need To Change (Part 5)
Article Continued from part 4.
Except for this player, The Reds had already been looking desperately for a talented winger, who is both agile and good with the ball. Kuyt has become the star for most fans of Liverpool but the time is coming near now when a lot of players would have to
say their goodbyes and move onto other clubs as the team is falling drastically.
New signing is desperately needed in Liverpool for the Attacking midfield, and most people believe that it is about time that Maxi Rodriguez be set free and sold out or just allowed to leave.
Cole, Kuyt and Jovanovic need to improve ten folds if they want to make a name for themselves with the Reds, all of these needs to be done in the next few months and Pacheco should be given more first team time as the kid deserves it.
Okay so there is not even any argument needed here, The Reds desperately need a new and talented forward player.
Their star player Fernando Torres has been losing his confidence in the game and the team. He has not been scoring well and let alone his injury record, he is not playing up to the mark that is required and expected from him.
David Ngog is a top scorer this season, still he only plays as a back up in the Reds. Fernando Torres is without a doubt one of the most talented forwards in the world, but right now, he seems to be barely keeping up with the pace of the games.
His current performances with his touch of the ball, his sharpness, confidence, pace and reliability to score has been so low that it seems that if Sean Dundee was back at the club, then the twenty six year old Spaniard would be having a run for his money
and probably would have been benched.
Okay so that statement may be a bit blunt but we all know that Fernando Torres is capable of so much and he has showcased what exactly he can do for the teams when he wants to.
Still right now Torres needs to score! A lot and quickly for both himself and the team.
Ryan Babel is the twenty three year old forward who came to Liverpool form Ajax in 2007. He is also a part of the Dutch national team since 2005 and has made thirty nine appearances for them with scoring five goals.
This Dutchman wants to play right in front but for some reason that seems to be unclear by most, he is always declined this request and is not getting enough first team play.
What most Liverpool fans are arguing is that why keep a world class player like Ryan Babel on the bench, when he can be out there on the field doing so much. If he is not the best out there then he can definitely do better than what the players on the first
team squad are doing.
However, the sad part is that whenever this player is given too much first team play time, then he always messes it up, he is too unreliable of a player to be made a permanent first team member but he should get some time there to work his magic.
All in all, most believe that this should be Babel’s last season to prove himself to become a permanent member of the first team squad, otherwise they should just give up on him and label him as a lost cause.
Article continued in Part 6.



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