Football and its variations
Football or soccer is a magnificent sport played all over the world. Football was believed to be played first in England in the mid 19th century. Football is the most enchanted, watched and played sport across the globe. This hypnotizing and captivating
sport has representation from all the continents of the world.
Being a natural, beautiful and full of enthusiasm sport, football has evolved over the decades. As a matter of fact, football has given birth to many other variations of the sport.
Futsal – Futsal is the indoor version of soccer. The word Futsal is an extraction of Portuguese ‘futebol de salao’ and the Spanish word ‘futbol de salon’, which means the “hall football” or “indoor football”.
The sport is believed to have been invented in When football players could not play and practice in the fields affected by rain, the coaches decided to conduct practice sessions indoors. The game started in 1930, expanded to other parts of South
America and a governing body for Futsal was formed in 1971. The first world Futsal championship was held in 1985 in Brazil. Futsal is played on a relatively smaller and hard court surface, between two teams consisting of five players each, including the goal
keeper. The sport of Futsal puts emphasis on skills, improvisation, creativity and passing the ball in short spaces.
The ball used in Futsal is comparatively smaller and has 30 per cent less bounce than the regular ball. Smaller and less bouncy ball provides the means of a fast paced game. The time duration of two halves of the match, is 20 minutes. The interval time between
the halves cannot exceed 15 minutes. Futsal is now an international sport played and appreciated in different corners of the world. Top ten Futsal playing nations are; Spain, Brazil, Italy,
Beach soccer – Also known as “Beasal”, is another extension of football. Beach soccer is played on a beach or a sandy court. Beach soccer is believed to be invented in Brazil, although it has been played in different parts of the world.
The first world beach soccer championship was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1995, host country Brazil, won the championship.
Like futsal, beach soccer’s team is also comprised of five players, including the goal keeper. Interestingly, the time duration of a beach soccer match is thirty six minutes, divided into three periods of twelve minutes each. The sport of beach soccer was
born in South and England are now taking part in beach soccer’s international competitions.
Bossaball – This is an interesting variation of football. The sport is a fusion of football, volleyball and gymnastics. Bossaball was invented in Spain and is languidly flourishing in different corners of the world.
The game is played on a court having an integrated trampoline, enabling the players to jump high in the air. The interesting fact of the game is aerobics, as players kick the ball using different sorts of aerobics and jumping techniques. Players can touch
the ball with any part of their body, with a restriction of eight contacts per team, to return the ball in opponent’s court. Each team has three to five players, with one attacker placed on the trampoline, whereas the rest of the players are positioned around
the attacker.
The sport is being played in various countries including;
Jorky ball – Another entertaining extension to football is “Jorkyball”. This sport is an amalgamation of squash and football. It is played in a small indoor court between two teams consisting of two players each.
Walls of the court are also used in the game in the same fashion as they are used in squash. The ball used in Jorky ball is relatively smaller and heavier ball compared to a football. The goal is a small square.
Underwater Football – This sport was developed in the decade of the 60’s. Underwater football is similar to water polo but mostly it is played underwater. Players wear snorkeling equipment to remain under water. A player can rise to the
surface in-order to breathe as many times as he wants, except when he/she has the ball. A match’s time duration is 20 minutes, with a five minutes interval.
The ball used in the game is filled with a dense liquid, which is heavier than water, such as saline solution or corn syrup. This keeps the ball submerged in water.
As most of us already know, the great sport of ‘Rugby’ is also a diversification of football. Rugby was invented in 1823 in, by William Webb Ellis, while playing football. There is another variation of football known as “Ice football”, which is played
on the ice hockey arena with helmets and skates.
Football is the most loved and cherished sport, all over the world. Football fans have kept their relation with the sport alive, by bringing innovation and transformation to it. The emergence of many games from football shows that the human tendency to create
and invent, alongside nature’s phenomenon of evolution, can do beautiful things.