
Football drug records?

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Did channel 7 go too far or is it needed to open our eyes about the real world of AFL? also did channel 7 apologise yet?




  1. I think it's more about opening peoples eyes to the real world.  Players in the AFL use much less drugs than others their age in the community.  I think people just have their head in the sand and want to label famous people as using drugs.

    Nobody should have their personal medical records put on TV.  It does not matter if they are famous or if they are a normal citizen, everyone should get doctor patient confidentiality.

  2. they didnt apologise and channel 7 and they did go too far, just because they're footballers doesnt mean they're not entitles to privacy like me and you, see what happened to cousins once his info was released? he lost so many fans and it caused embarressment on him and his family!!

  3. Can't rightly comment, I'm an American. I only speak NFL here.
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