
Football games you played as a kid

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when you were young and there was only a few of you kicking a ball about the street/park/playground, what sort of football games did you play? and what were the rules?




  1. All sorts depending on the numbers. From 4 aside with one goal to full 17 aside games. Always Jumpers for goalposts. First to five then we swapped teams around. Usually ended well past sundown with low visibility. Also remember lots of games of headers and volleys.

  2. World Cuppie..

    One goal, the whole pitch, any amount of players..

    One Goal-Keeper, Knockout, if you scored you where though to the next round, who ever did not score was out, and some-time 2/3/4 where out, depending on the numbers. And as the numbers got lower, you had to score more goals to get though..

  3. lol 10 points to eddie surely?

    we played a game called kickey-up-the-erse. you had 1 keeper and any amount of outfield players. goals could only be scored by headers or volleys. if you attemted to score but it went wide or over you had to go in nets. the twist is that the keeper got a boot in the **** every 5 goals, getting progressively harder until it got to 50, which was your hardest kick without using your toe. it made for a nervous game when it got to 49. one of the lads stayed next to the park and actually used to run in to his house to change into his brothers rigger boots when it got to 49.

    or we played kerbie sometimes

  4. Sensible soccer on the Amiga.

  5. 10...21er no rules except we change halfs at 10 then who ever gets to 21 first wins

  6. cuppies

  7. there was this game we used to play called "10-9"(ten nine).  first person in goals had 10 lives and everyone else had 9 lives, in order to score the ball would have had to be in midair for someone to volley it in or header it, if the ball went over the bar or went out the person who kicked it out would go in goals, so basically people score the goalies points would be reduced, when a person had 6 lives and less and someone scored, we would start running till the goalie would pick up the ball and touch the post with it and shout stop, then we would all stop inplace and the goalie had to try and throw it at someone, if it hit someone then that person would go in goals, once a person's score reached zero, then we woudl get him to stand facing the post and bend over a little bit and from a distance of about 10 feet everyone  had the chance to kick the ball straight at his A*S (trust me that hurts after having 7 people kick it at you :) .

    MAN I MISS THAT GAME. try it sometime.

    EDDIE - u sure know how to explain a game in full detail mate (nice one)

  8. Heidie fitba there's variations of the rules,but everybody knows the basic rules.

    Seven and bye.One goalkeeper as many outfield as you want.

    The rules are,you get the outfield players crossing the ball and taking shots(must be volleys) and headers at goal you have a credit of seven defaults.A default is a wide shot or over the bar,or a save(but it must be held)A goal adds a credit.The player who concedes the final default,takes over in goal.

    This is a good practice for honing your skills and is usually played before a game.

  9. missy 30 a cuppie..and the reinactment of Gemmels goal



    Matches shall be played over three unequal periods: two playtimes and a lunchtime. Each of these periods shall begin shortly after the ringing of a bell, and although a bell is also rung towards the end of these periods, play may continue for up to ten minutes afterwards, depending on the nihilism or "bottle" of the participants with regard to corporal punishment met out to latecomers back to the classroom. In practice there is a sliding scale of nihilism, from those who hasten to stand in line as soon as the bell rings, known as "poofs", through those who will hang on until the time they estimate it takes the teachers to down the last of their gins and journey from the staffroom, known as "chancers", and finally to those who will hang on until a teacher actually has to physically retrieve them, known as "bampots". This sliding scale is intended to radically alter the logistics of a match in progress, often having dramatic effects on the scoreline as the number of remaining participants drops. It is important, therefore, in picking the sides, to achieve a fair balance of poofs, chancers and bampots in order that the scoreline achieved over a sustained period of play - a lunchtime, for instance - is not totally nullified by a five-minute post-bell onslaught of five bampots against one. The scoreline to be carried over from the previous period of the match is in the trust of the last bampots to leave the field of play, and may be the matter of some debate. This must be resolved in one of the approved manners (see Adjudication).


    The object is to force the ball between two large, unkempt piles of jackets, in lieu of goalposts. These piles may grow or shrink throughout the match, depending on the number of participants and the prevailing weather. As the number of players increases, so shall the piles. Each jacket added to the pile by a new addition to a side should be placed on the inside, nearest the goalkeeper, thus reducing the target area. It is also important that the sleeve of one of the jackets should jut out across the goalmouth, as it will often be claimed that the ball went "over the post" and it can henceforth be asserted that the outstretched sleeve denotes the innermost part of the pile and thus the inside of the post. The on-going reduction of the size of the goal is the responsibility of any respectable defence and should be undertaken conscientiously with resourcefulness and imagination. In the absence of a crossbar, the upper limit of the target area is observed as being slightly above head height, although when the height at which a ball passed between the jackets is in dispute, judgement shall lie with an arbitrary adjudicator from one of the sides. He is known as the "best fighter"; his decision is final and may be enforced with physical violence if anyone wants to stretch a point.

    There are no pitch markings. Instead, physical objects denote the boundaries, ranging from the most common - walls and buildings - to roads or burns. Corners and throw-ins are redundant where bylines or touchlines are denoted by a two-storey building or a six-foot granite wall. Instead, a scrum should be instigated to decide possession. This should begin with the ball trapped between the brickwork and two opposing players, and should escalate to include as many team members as can get there before the now egg-shaped ball finally emerges, drunkenly and often with a dismembered foot and shin attached. At this point, goalkeepers should look out for the player who takes possession of the escaped ball and begins bearing down on goal, as most of those involved in the scrum will be unaware that the ball is no longer amidst their feet. The goalkeeper should also try not to be distracted by the inevitable fighting that has by this point broken out.

    In games on large open spaces, the length of the pitch is obviously denoted by the jacket piles, but the width is a variable. In the absence of roads, water hazards or "a big dug", the width is determined by how far out the attacking winger has to meander before the pursuing defender gets fed up and lets him head back towards where the rest of the players are waiting, often as far as quarter of a mile away. It is often observed that the playing area is "not a full-size pitch". This can be invoked verbally to justify placing a wall of players eighteen inches from the ball at direct free kicks It is the formal response to "yards", which the kick-taker will incant meaninglessly as he places the ball.

    The Ball

    There is a variety of types of ball approved for Primary School Football. I shall describe three notable examples.

    1. The plastic balloon: An extremely lightweight model, used primarily in the early part of the season and seldom after that due to having burst.

    Identifiable by blue pentagonal panelling and the names of that year's Premier League sides printed all over it. Advantages: low sting factor, low burst-nose probability, cheap, discourages a long-ball game. Disadvantages:

    over-susceptible to influence of the wind, difficult to control, almost magnetically drawn to flat school roofs whence never to return.

    2. The rough-finish Mitre: Half football, half Portuguese Man o' War. On the verge of a ban in the European Court of Human Rights, this model is not for sale to children. Used exclusively by teachers during gym classes as a kind of aversion therapy. Made from highly durable fibre-glass, stuffed with neutron star and coated with dead jellyfish. Advantages: looks quite grown up, makes for high-scoring matches (keepers won't even attempt to catch it).

    Disadvantages: scars or maims anything it touches.

    3. The "Tubey": Genuine leather ball, identifiable by brown all-over colouring. Was once black and white, before ravages of games on concrete, but owners can never remember when. Adored by everybody, especially keepers.

    Advantages: feels good, easily controlled, makes a satisfying "whump" noise when you kick it. Disadvantages: turns into medicine ball when wet, smells like a dead dog.


    There is no offside, for two reasons: one, "it's not a full-size pitch", and two, none of the players actually know what offside is. The lack of an offside rule gives rise to a unique sub-division of strikers. These players hang around the opposing goalmouth while play carries on at the other end, awaiting a long pass forward out of defence which they can help past the keeper before running the entire length of the pitch with their arms in the air to greet utterly imaginary adulation. These are known variously as "poachers", "gloryhunters" and "fly wee bastarts". These players display a remarkable degree of self-security, seemingly happy in their own appraisals of their achievements, and caring little for their team-mates' failure to appreciate the contribution they have made. They know that it can be for nothing other than their enviable goal tallies that they are so bitterly despised.


    The absence of a referee means that disputes must be resolved between the opposing teams rather than decided by an arbiter. There are two accepted ways of doing this.

    1. Compromise: An arrangement is devised that is found acceptable by both sides. Sway is usually given to an action that is in accordance with the spirit of competition, ensuring that the game does not turn into "a pure skoosh". For example, in the event of a dispute as to whether the ball in fact crossed the line, or whether the ball has gone inside or "over" the post, the attacking side may offer the ultimatum: "Penalty or goal." It is not recorded whether any side has ever opted for the latter. It is on occasions that such arrangements or ultimata do not prove acceptable to both sides that the second adjudicatory method comes into play.

    2. Fighting: Those up on their ancient Hellenic politics will understand that the concept we know as "justice" rests in these circumstances with the hand of the strong. What the winner says, goes, and what the winner says is just, for who shall dispute him? It is by such noble philosophical principles that the supreme adjudicator, or Best Fighter, is effectively elected.

    Team Selection

    To ensure a fair and balanced contest, teams are selected democratically in a turns-about picking process, with either side beginning as a one-man selection committee and growing from there. The initial selectors are usually the recognised two Best Players of the assembled group. Their first selections will be the two recognised Best Fighters, to ensure a fair balance in the adjudication process, and to ensure that they don't have their own performances impaired throughout the match by profusely bleeding noses. They will then proceed to pick team-mates in a roughly meritocratic order, selecting on grounds of skill and tactical awareness, but not forgetting that while there is a sliding scale of players' ability, there is also a sliding scale of players' brutality and propensities towards motiveless violence. A selecting captain might baffle a talented striker by picking the less nimble Big Jazza ahead of him, and may explain, perhaps in the words of Linden B Johnson upon his retention of J Edgar Hoover as the head of the FBI, that he'd "rather have him inside the tent ******* out, than outside the tent ******* in".

    Special consideration is also given during the selection process to the owner of the ball. It is tacitly acknowledged to be "his gemme", and he must be shown a degree of politeness for fear that he takes the huff at being picked late and withdraws his favours.

  10. always had a game of kerbie....which the kids still play but I am now alas hopeless at it

    probably always was

  11. 3's and in....i hated being the goalie..especially when they played with those mitre balls..and as ann marie says about 20 a side..and you always ended up on the winning side...penalty kicks was another one..

    here ann marie do you think its the women on the forum the wee mystery thumber

    eddies answer was a belter and so true..don;'t know why its thumbed down..ach well x

  12. The rules were simple - the fat bloke went in goal and it depended on how many were left over (2 against 2, 3 against 3 etc.).

    You played until your mum said it was tea time :-)

  13. Headers and volleys-1 goalie,and up to maybe 4 people shooting into the same goal. Only allowed to score with a header or a volley.Variations of rules include playing up to a certain amount,say 10. The goalie gets a point,or goal if the ball goes wide.

    Football tennis-we played it on a road in our village,there was a fence between it and the park. Similiar rules to tennis,except you use your feet and heads.

    Wally-like squash,but kicking a football against a wall instead of a ball and racket. Similiar rules to squash.

    Oh yes,those were the days!

  14. Heads and Volleys, or the better version, Red ****: To score ten goals. Keeper picks overs catches or wides. If an outfield player hits is caught out by one of the chosen options, they are now in goal. This is continued untill 10 goals are scored, and whoever is in net for the last one, has to mercifully bend over and be hit in the **** by the football.

    Worldy: Pair up etc, play against the others, a little knock out competition. We played, whoever won, was immune from going in goals next game!

  15. about 20 aside with any man save. mental but great fun

    god knows bluebell. whoever it is its pathetic. both completely harmless answers. likewises eddies, ok its 4 mile long but brilliant

  16. that's gone way back

    used to play barsy 2 opponents tryin to hit the bar for points from outside the box if the ball hits the bar and comes back to the 1 who hit it they get another try and if not then it is up to the other to hit it

    1st to 10 won

    hampden was another were we played amongst each other and it whittled down from 23 to the final 2


  17. ones with balls being

  18. headers &kicks ,wally,3 & in ,world cup,backies & forwards,best tho had to be 20 a side in the playground,rules ! hardly touched the ball in 20 - a - side

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