
Football help please??

by  |  earlier

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First off, I am the QB/Linebacker for my middle school team.. I hit decent.. i also run decent.. i throw 47 yards.... Next, my team is looking a little less than ok.. What can i do to train myself to hit harder.. throw farther.. and run faster so that I can be "a star" in the whole league?? but most importantly be a better player?? PLEASE HELP?? THANKS! (give me a workout schedule if possible)




  1. Do a lot of weight training and most of all practice.

  2. your never going to be good if you want to be a star.dude you gotta play for the time not just for yourself. and you can do like 20 push ups and 80 sit ups a day  that always works.and remember when it comes to a good hitter when your scared your never ready.

  3. push-ups sprints sit-ups mainly stronger arms and strong core and sprints help with speed
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