
Football practice today? Can I be RB.

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Ok today at football practice i bummed at the passes, but on suicides i had the most stamina and on the laps around the field i always came first.

Ok im pretty small but most stamina, more then the 14 year olds and im pretty fast, best cuts and i can get through but im the smallest on the team but im better then alot of people.

Ok today they tried some positions but left me on the bench, was this because of the bad catches or the fact that im small.

Also im 1 of the best runningbacks on the team and this dude that weighs less got the position?

Was it because he played for the team last year?

Also, it is the second day will i get a chance?

I know im hype over the second day but i was mad because they left me out but they put me as safety on defense.

Also im really good but i want to show them.




  1. No.  You most likely suck, so your probably not good enough to be RB.

  2. Hey man i moved to a new place and could't play for the mini 8th grade highschool team because i moved late but i went to training over the summer and impressed the guys and coaches and even though i didn't play for the youth team i could now be the starting TE for my freshman team i don't no because we haven't found out yet just play hard don't get down on yourself man i was when i could't do the things the others could then mellowed out and i had it down so no worrys good luck.

  3. it might be that, he has more expierence on that certain team and they haven't seen what you can do in a real game because you have just done practice right? Maybe they will give you a shot in a game and once you get that chance try as hard as possible if you try your hardest and do better then the other RB the position is yours or it should be

  4. If he was there last year coaches look for consistency he might have it, relax play your game and i'm sure if your any good and you work your tail off you'll get the position, Don't just do conditioning with the team run hills or bleachers after practice. If it doesn't work at RB throw with your friends and develop hands. Also, weight room's a bad example lifting is about being as strong as you can be not the strongest so what i'm trying to say is don't hurt yourself.

    Good luck

  5. Trust me, playing High School Football now, coaches look for players who try the hardest at everything. For me, when the kid playing in front of me, im a cornerback, would do something such as an exercise involving weight plates, he would pick up a 35lb plate, i would pick up a 45 lb plate. So always try to do more, not the same. Also, playing a previous year is a good reason why the kid may be ahead of you. Thats why a smaller kid that im better than is ahead of me. Just dont worry, it was one day and the coach is gonna want to see if you could play so he'll put you in

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