
Football q? What do you think of his decision?

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Shawn Merriman has opted to forgoe surgery and try to play this season with two torn ligaments in his knee. He's 24 and is risking a possible career threatening injury. Four doctors advised him to have surgery. Do you feel this is a foolish decision or does his commitment to his team and to winning make you respect him more?




  1. ok i love football and im also in the medical field surgeons only suggest surgery if the benefeits greatly outweigh the risks so the surgery is legit and the 2 ligaments that are injured effect the sliding across the field so my awnser is no i cant respect stupidity if i was the chargers i would put him on the physically unable to perform list so that way he cant play and it forces him to get the surgery remember to teams players are not human they are investments

  2. Well i think the sense got knocked out of him last season when Maurice Jones-Drew flat backed him on a block.

    they replayed that play like 100 times on ESPN.  

  3. i think hes acting stupid, and wants to prove something on a torn ligament

  4. Merriman is an idiot but most of us already knew that. This will not end well for him, we probably won't have to put up with his "Lights out" nonsense anymore after he jacks up his knee beyond repair.

  5. It has the potential to go down as one of the dumbest moves in the history of sports.

    Even if doesnt get hurt, he wont be 100%. Its foolish...

    Did you see the ESPN poll. People were asked if the move was wrong.. like 92% said yes it was foolish. Thats about as lopsided at a poll ever gets. And lets not forget that the 8% who did vote are probably diehard chargers fantatics who have bet the ranch on a SB victory this year. So basically the entire country thinks he is an idiot.

  6. It's possible even though he wants to play that the team's docs or the NFL's docs will keep him from playing.  It would be another scar on the NFL if he played and became a cripple at 24 and another media sensation about needless injuries.  So, while HE is crazy to want to play, the league is crazier if they don't stop it.

  7. yea he's foolish. he's playing through a major injury when a ton of doctors are telling him not to. i know you're trying to be tough, but you play in the NFL, no one thinks you're a sissy.

  8. It is insane! If he gets the wrong kind of hit to that knee, his career could be over. I understand the desire to play, but shoudl he get hurt this year he may never play or walk the same again.  But I also admire his courage and willingness to sacrifice for his team though. It's hard to find team first guys like that anymore.

  9. As a Raider fan, all I can say is...

    Rock on Merriman! You stupid steroided out b*****d!

  10. It was stupid, now we have a less chance to make the playoffs.

    GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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