
Footballers, overpaid proffesionals do you agree with this statement?

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also i would like to ask why do people like rafeal andal and djokovich etc get to compete it tennis but the stars of football cannot e.g. gerard beckham, the teams are totaly different.why does this only apply to football not tennis. i think that is unfair because tennis players who dont get lots and lots of money cant compete whereas the footballers can excuse my spelling(IM TALKING ABOUT THE OLYMPICS BY THE WAY




  1. footballers aren't paid by the government they are entirely private enterprises ruled by market forces.

    If a russian businessman/gangster wants to spunk his 'hard earned' cash of footballers that's his concern

  2. yes.....

  3. Huh?? You ever thought that maybe Gerard and Beckham can't play tennis? Except on the grounds of their multimillion pound mansions. What's the question again?  

  4. i think its shocking that footballers get paid x amount of money a week, for supposedly having a talent, and winning very little (the england team anyways) and all our fantastic team GB olympic crew have proper jobs and are out there doing what they enjoy and getting nothing for it.

    Don't know about tennis, don't follow it

  5. I disagree if.. they bring more money into the club that the total wage bill...

    that makes sense, doesn't it?

  6. Because it would take away a lot of the emphasis from the World Cup. Plus clubs want their players.

  7. Yes, the top footballers are paid far too much, they are not putting their life in danger like firemen or people fighting in the war.  But all the time supporters (myself included) pay over the top admission prices they will continue getting that sort of silly money.

  8. You should go to university, you would get a phd in talking shite.

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