
Footballers overpaid?

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I need some points on why they're not overpaid (even though they are.)

I have lots of points on why they are overpaid but its fairly imbalanced on the oppostie view of them paid fairly (school essay.)

Any suggestions?





  1. Some are overexposed but not overpaid

    -they are the stars in a multi billion dollar business

    - their career window is limited compared to other professions


    the really overpaid people are movie stars - Tom Cruise getting 20-30 million dollars a movie regardless of it's success

  2. the toughest business in the world,  requires total dedication and the most exhausting workouts.  they deserve every penny.  most do.

  3. It's basic economics - supply and demand. If people are willing to pay them large amounts then they have judged that they are worth that expenditure.
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