
Footer problem....?

by  |  earlier

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i am owner of a yahoo group and i want to add my signature as footer which is i have in html format.

can any budy tell me how can i add this signature as footer..

i tried to copy and paste html code but its...appears in the mail as code not as signature...what can i do?

i will appriciate ....





  1. Go to: "Management" of your group's homepage and click on "Messages" and in this section check for the creating of a footer.  If not there try "Description and Appearance".

    After that click on the "Edit" button next to the section that says, "Footer" and it will bring up a text box where you can put a footer in it.  Then type the coes <html> name </html> and then click "Save" to see if it shows up.

    If that still doesn't work I would recommend getting in touch with a Yahoo Groups customer service representative to see if they can help you figure out what could be causing this to not work in case it might be a technical difficulty.

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