
Footsteps heard upstairs while I'm home alone...?

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Okay, this is nothing new. Everyone has spirits/ghosts in their home(s), I know. I simply do not understand what mine wants.

A couple hours ago, I had found the wax from my lit candle splattered all over my kitchen counter. It seems as if someone had blown out the candle (extremely hard). You can see the candle wax wooshing in one direction of the container.

When I'm home alone and watching television and what not, I hear footsteps in my parents' room. My parents have also complained about "people" jumping on the bed while they're sleeping.

I have a bulletin board where I hang a few of my accessories. I found an old crucifix necklace on it, and my grandmother said she had been looking for it for YEARS.

The kitchen is this spirit's favorite part of the house. I am always in the kitchen cleaning up after my family. I have seen shadows and felt taps on my shoulder many times. I always feel like someone is watching me.

Is this bad? What do these experiences mean?




  1. Have your parents had inspectors in to check the structure of your house. Hollow spaces can amplify small sounds?

    If you have eliminated "wear and tear" or subsidence etc and checked no animals are getting inside or living in the wall spaces it seems possibly you may have a "haunt" however it seems fairly harmless?

    Next time you sense a presence or paranormal activity increases tell whatever it is that its welcome to stay and be a house guardian but invite it to do so using the name of god?

    Invite ... dont command ... this presence doesnt seem fully sentient and may be non human in origin?

    This may not be a ghost though but some kind of low order elemental or something else?

    If so you may be able to train and develop it into a house guardian? Be gentle and help it develop into a spirit of light!

    But dont forget to have a physical check made of your house structure also! Are you in an earthquake zone or near a fault line?

  2. you should be taking drugs.

  3. cat or dog?  perhaps a mouse?

    get a good, reputable, local ghost investigative team to check things out.  sounds like a poltergeist.

  4. If you really believe you have a ghost just talk to it and ask it what it wants.



  5. It doesn't sound to me like the spirit is being malicious. Maybe they just want to be helpful, as in the case of your grandma's necklace. Maybe you can ask questions, like "who are you" and "What can I do to help you??" I don't think you are crazy, It also doesn't sound like you or your family is in danger so I would not worry much about it.

  6. It all depends on what you have in your house. It could be evil or not. I suggest calling parenormal investigators if this keeps going on. Or you could hold a seance.

  7. Have you acknowledged the spirit's presence or do you just act like nothing is going on? I call a spirit that hasn't crossed over a ghost and if it has crossed over, a spirit. It sounds to me like it is a ghost. It wants to be acknowledged because it doesn't want to admit to itself that it's dead to this world and needs to cross over.

    The whole jumping on the bed thing is negative. Trying to wake people out of their sleep (a time that they are most vulnerable), stealing crucifixes and blowing out candles, all points to a trickster ghost that probably has some issues with crossing over....due to issues concerning God and their fate.

    So ask what it wants. If you don't get any clues or you don't find that things change then the ghost has no interest in being helped, they want to haunt you and your family.

    And if that is the case, you need to tell it to go to the light and move on. Call on Archangel Michael to escort the ghost from the home and get it to cross over.

    You can also burn some white sage (smudge the house) but since you live with others, I don't know if that would be acceptable.

  8. dunno... think u should get ahold of the Ghost Hunters....

  9. Not everybody has ghosts and spirits in their homes - mine is totally devoid of such things.

    Yours would be too if you were a little less imaginative.

  10. Great! its almost 1 am where i am. i am in a  huge dark house and everyone is sleeping. in my room with my ipod on and i cant sleep! u are scaring me half to death with "everyone has ghosts!" >.<

    well, a couple months ago i was in my parents room at around 1.. yea i have a problem sleeping. well anyway i was watching tv but it was very low and i had there bathroom light on and as i was watching tv the light just completly went off. i got scared and ran out. i came back and it was on again, and nobody entered the room after i left. it was 1 am i mean come on, who would turn the light on. when i get up for school i get up at like 6, nobody is up. i hear footsteps from upstairs. usually my parents room........ the ghosts in my house's favorite place is my parents room i think.... alot of my lights seem to turn on and go off alot to. once i was home alone around 3 pm and i could have SWORE i saw somebody run by my hallway..... and when i checked nobody was there.

    maybe there friendly ghosts?? it can be a possibility. like casper! sorry >.< oh well.. im sorry i dont have a great answer but maybe the expierences mean that we live in "special houses!" that are blessed! not cursed.. just think, it can be angels to =]

    like you said, they found your grandmas neckalace! ha

    hope i helped!! :]♥

  11. lucky you. time to move on and get a new house...

  12. put out the weed

    i surprised you could still type

  13. It means you're partially delusional, and possibly a candidate for schizophrenia.

    If you want to get reasonable, do some detective home work. Set up hidden cameras, trip sensors, and silent alarms and don't tell anyone they're there. Use your computer. Set up a psychological profiles of everyone you live with and see if your findings match with their profiles. Then you will see there aren't any "spirits" after all.

  14. The loud thumps could be the floors contracting or expanding due to temp changes within the home.

    Same with duct work, especially if running the heater or A/C.

    It doesn't sound like you have a malevolent ghost, but more one that watches out for everyone.

    **the unsupervised candle being blown out

    **the rosary that had been misplaced

    **walking the halls like a safety monitor

    Maybe offer it a pancake, see what happens.

  15. Do you know Sylvia Browne. She is one of those people who knows about these things. I suggest you pray to God (I'm not making fun of anything) and tell the spirits nicely to leave. You need to tell them that they are dead and need to go to the other side. I'm warning you, I believe anything that can be believed ! no doubt that you have some spirits in your home, and i'm happy that your not scared to death. Good Luck on your problem. I'm also pretty sure that not everyone has a spirit in their homes everytime. There is another conclusion. If these things happen rarely, then it might be a long-lost relative who is visiting or helping you. If not, it is probably someone who lived in your house and died.

  16. And you're 100% sure the candle was not blown out by someone else in your family? If so then that's pretty strange. As for the footsteps, I know alot of people would simply say "It's just creaks in the house, ect." stuff like that. But if you're sure it's the sounds of footsteps, then I believe you. Is your house an old house? Perhaps a house that's had alot of history to it? I use to once live in a house (well I didn't live there myself, my mom and stepdad did, but I'd go over there every weekend to stay) and I had alot of strange things happen there. I don't wanna get into that though, because I would be rambling on and on about it lol. But yeah that house was built around 1902 I think and it's had quite a bit of history to it.

    EDIT: Alright I'll go ahead tell just a little bit. I would see this weird red light on the walls of the living room and a certain bedroom, but in the room I also seen the light on the bed and I'm fully sure it didn't come from outside. A couple times me, my brother and cousin heard the sound of plastic dishes falling against the hard floor in the kitchen, only to find nothing out of place at all. Not in the kitchen, the kitchen closet, cabinets, anything. There's more but that's all I'll say right now. It did seem like we had some beyond-the-grave visitors there. I asked about my experience on a paranormal discussion forum and most people told me it wasn't a ghost in my house, but said it was a demon or poltergeist.

  17. Creepy!

    Maybe these "spirits" don't like you there, but they don't seem to be being very destructive.

  18. All in all if it is handling religious items like cruxifices I wouldn't bother to be afraid of it.  It sounds like they are wanting attention and acknowledgement.  Just let them know that you do realize they are there and accept them as part of the household.  Things may still happen but once you accept it, it is a LOT easier to deal with on a daily bases.

  19. "Okay, this is nothing new. Everyone has spirits/ghosts in their home(s), I know."

    Some might disagree with this statement.  The #1 thing required for a person to perceive a haunting is the pre-existing belief in ghosts.

    It seems you are following a train of thought common amongst true believers.  If a handful of thing occur that you can't immediately explain, the only explanation is that a ghost has been at work.  Once the idea is planted, then all sorts of instances of ghostly activity will come out of the woodwork.  Add a spooky back story and Presto! you have a haunted house.

    If you hear footsteps and you parents hear jumping on the bed, then for god's sake go investigate.  Rather than just assuming it's a ghost go find out what is causing the noise.

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