Okay, this is nothing new. Everyone has spirits/ghosts in their home(s), I know. I simply do not understand what mine wants.
A couple hours ago, I had found the wax from my lit candle splattered all over my kitchen counter. It seems as if someone had blown out the candle (extremely hard). You can see the candle wax wooshing in one direction of the container.
When I'm home alone and watching television and what not, I hear footsteps in my parents' room. My parents have also complained about "people" jumping on the bed while they're sleeping.
I have a bulletin board where I hang a few of my accessories. I found an old crucifix necklace on it, and my grandmother said she had been looking for it for YEARS.
The kitchen is this spirit's favorite part of the house. I am always in the kitchen cleaning up after my family. I have seen shadows and felt taps on my shoulder many times. I always feel like someone is watching me.
Is this bad? What do these experiences mean?