
Footy is for wankers?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna play rugby. what kinda drills and conditioning should i do to get ready. running sprints?, long distances?, drinking pints of guiness?




  1. Haha, I had to look up the word 'wanker'...

    Well, I actually don't know much about rugby, so I can't help you...sorry!

  2. idk

  3. haha all of the above.  

    first of all, strength and conditioning is extremely important.  make sure you have enough strength just to tackle someone, and your set.  

    OF MOST IMPORTANCE IN RUGBY IS CARDIOVASCULAR.  ive been playing for 3 months, and after 2 minutes of going hard, i feel like i can't breath. its an extremely cardiovascular game and nothing can fully prepare you for the taxing cardio workout you will get, but you can prepare as best you can.

    sprints are also very important, and so is long distance.  only after that, then you begin putting on bulk for those big hits and big carries.


  4. Right forget any drills you will do them with the team.

    Fitness start run 7.5 mins out and 7.5 mins back for 1 week the next week 10 mins out 10 mins back the next week 15mins out 15 mins back and so on till you get up to 40 mins out and back this should be done quicker than a jog and if you get back in less than the time it took to go out then your not working hard enough.

    Once you get to 40 out and back do it every mon,fri and on tues and thurs sprint work 10 x 40meters 10x 20meters and 10 x 10 meters.

    for strength you need to do the following exercises (always use free weights) :  Squats (thighs parallel to floor), shoulder press, dead lifts , bench press  , bent over row these are the main ones and you may want to throw in some bicep and triceps exercises (if you know how to lift then power cleans  are great but if you do them wrong you will hurt yourself.)

    VERY important is core which is abs and sit ups don't do the job front and side bridges are the way to strengthen your abs.

    Also stretch a stretched muscle is a strong muscle and focus on technique not how much weight is on the bar also drink heaps of water this is important .

    good luck hope this helps

    oh and the weights 3 sets of 10 reps
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