
For 10 BIG POINTS!!! - If I Have My Learners "L" In British Columbia, Am I Allowed To Drive To The States?

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I'm going to seattle from Vancouver, BC, Canada with my dad. He is liscened and been driving for 20-30 years. I have my "L" and will be getting my "N" in 8 days.

Am I allowed to drive to the states from Canada?




  1. A - All conditions of your BC learner licence, such as having a licenced adult (your dad) with you, stay in effect when in Washington state.

    B - All laws pertaining to Washington learner permits, such as age limit, time-of-day restrictions, etc, are in effect for you while in Washington.

    Washington requires permit holders who are not enrolled in driver education (in Washington) to be 15 1/2 years old.  If you are getting your "N", I presume you are 16.  

    If you have your "N" when you go to Seattle, you will be able to drive on your own in Seattle, or with one other person, the same restriction you have while in BC.  In Washington, that one other person cannot be under 20, for the first 6 months you have that "N" licence, which is equivalent to a Washington "Intermediate" licence, and you cannot drive between 1 and 5 am without a licenced driver over 25 with you.

    Hope this is enough information without confusing the heck out of you.

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