I'm born in the depths but when I come to the surface I am very smooth and undulate gently. When people say my name, they sound like their laughing. What am I?
Tourists, thrill seekers and scientists alike love coming to me yet my 880,000 residents are still the most isolated population center on earth. What city am I?
If you come and visit me you will find I am very unique, I am truly cosmopolitan. I have no ethnic majorities, everyone is a minority. Caucasians are the largest minority at 34%. Where am I?
If you wait for a clear night and look straigt up, you will see not Polaris but another famous star used by ancient navigators. Its my zenith star with a magnitude of −0.05. What star is it?
This large succulent tropical fruit that is native to Brazil and Paraguay was introduced to me in the 16th Century. It protected sailors against scurvy and now I am its largest exporter. What is it?