
For 15yr old girls and guys please!?

by Guest59614  |  earlier

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hey everyone i need help knowing how to look sexier and more my age. please give any tips on day to day makeup and what i should be wearing and stuff... also my hair and stuff...

also what attracts boys most?





  1. That's a little contradicting, being s**y and more your age (at 15). You don't need to be s**y at 15... enjoy being a kid. I'm not saying dress like a kid in overalls... but just dress normal. You are too young to want to dress s**y... you are only going to get immature guys that only care about looks. Why would you want that attention?

    And what attracts boys most is confidence. You don't need clevage showing or a short skirt. Even jeans and a t-shirt, with a lot of confidence, will attract the right kind of guy.

    Don't be one of those girls that complains how all guys are dirt... when you are the one trying to lure the dirt in.

  2. Be yourself for the first tip. Dnt be the one who acting all crazy and thinks shes all that cuz guys n others dnt like that at all. For makeup and clothes, just look around and see wat other teens are wearing, it will help alot!! Just dnt wear alot of heavy makeup...just be yourself and ppl will like you for who u are no matter wat

  3. Be simple  

  4. Believe me ! I was 15 once having a boyfriend and trying to attract boys was a waste !.

    You don't need to look prettier are put muck on your face.

  5. well tight jeans and and a low cut shirt is what they'll look at. thats just most guys.

    i look at girls personalities to be honest.

    but ya know what turns most guys on is your body parts so if you show them off thats s**y to alot of em

  6. I'm a 15 year old model so listen up, guys don't have much for the curly hair thing, usually straight, put on just enough make up, don't pile it on, eyeshadow to an extent. Put pics on here and i will give you more advice on what you need to do.

  7. Where do you live? what is your group? emo? chav? tell me this, then i can really tell you.

    Generally, big eyes, with SUBTLE make up. Tight jeans are good, and don't go for the crude really short skirt, and really low top.  

  8. i think a bit of make up is good-some eyeliner/mascara and a bit of liquid foundation

    it depends what u look like really

    i have dark hair, eyes and tanned skin so eye makeup doesnt really stand out

    who really cares though anyway, guys will like u if ur fun to be around etc


    do mine

    and try eyle lyner and hair with volume ?

  10. 15 year olds do not need to look s**y

    sorry, no help.

  11. well all I can tell you is confidence is the sexiest thing to a man...not showing off everything on your body. If you do that you are leaving nothing for the imagination and they will not respect you. Class is s** just remember this.....CLASSY NOT TRASHY!  

  12. Well to be honest at the age that you are at now the only thing that will attract those boys is cleavage, cleavage more cleavage and BUMPER!! :)

    But to be honest just look your age and don't try looking older than what you are.  

  13. a smart girl, i love a girl in a suit i mean that is wat turns me ON!

  14. This really depends on where you live.What's cool and s**y in one place is over the top and S****y somewher else .Not fair I know but thats the way it is. You dont want to be laughed at or be thought badly  of so check out the other girls around you and other people's reaction to them.

      What attracts boys most is someone who is happy outgoing and interested in them

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