
For ADOPTED people ????

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can any of you tell me wether or not agencys change the childs birth certificat at all and if so to what extent are they aloud to do it? also do they make a new bc or just keep original hidden from you some how ? im a birth mother searching . im not able to travel to birth state to do research there so im doing online searches only [wont do pay sites] i have checked g,adoption and zaba , intelus, ancestry, nevadatriad...not getting anywhere. just running in circles




  1. You are looking for someone who never existed.  You need to register at

    Might want to take a look around here, too.

    Good Luck

  2. Unfortunately in the US when somone is adopted they issue a new certificate with the adoptive parents name as the only parents......this is unfair to adoptees.

    Also note that in some ocassions there SS#are changed.

  3. my birth certificate was changed after my dad adopted me. My last name was changed and his name is on it.  So I believe that they do change the names.

  4. Typically the birth certificate is changed to reflect the adoptive parents as the the "birth" parents of the child, and if the adoptive parents change the child's name (or if the child didn't have an "original" name), the b.c. will also be changed to reflect that.  In 44 U.S. states, the original birth certificate is then sealed and is not accessible to the adoptee and in some cases, to the "birth" mother, either.

  5. i know what you mean by running in circles but yes the child's birth certificate has to be changed to their new adopted name but there must be an original birth certificate as well with all the original details on it good luck with your searching

  6. Yes they change the birth certificate.

    The birth mother's name, DOB, and place of birth are replaced with the adoptive mother's information.

    The birth father's name, DOB, and place of birth are also replaced with the adoptive father's information.

    Probably the only easy way is if you know the adoptive parents and do a legal written agreement that they will keep it open, and allow the child to know your name and information.

  7. Only thing that is changed is adopted parents names, addresses, etc.  They do make mistakes when asking for birth certificates and give out the old one with no changes.  When I went to get a copy of mine, the lady behind the counter was confused because it was listed in the computer that I had two.  She could get no help from anyone else, they were all on the phone.  I finally got up and told the lady that I needed a copy of the ones with Chassereau listed as the parents, not Wolfe and Akin (birth parents).  She looked at me like I had lost my mind.  Ask your agency for the non-identifying information.  It will tell you everything about the adoptive family except for the names and specific dates.  Then find a searcher whom is looking to be licensed.  They will often do searches for free and all you have to do is write a recommendation.  At most, they charge any direct expenses they get which you would normally know about since you are controlling what they are doing.

  8. In the closed era of adoptee records, yes they are very well known for changing dates.  Indiana in particular is known for doing that.  It concerns me because I don't know if my birthdate is an accurate one.  If you need help I do have access to pay sites.

  9. Yes, agencies change everything from the child's name to their actual date of birth and birth weight.

    They lie to parents, both sets, and to adoptees who are searching.

  10. they don't change the certificates. what its done is you have this paper and it shows the parents now and your name and its cross filed. so if you know health depart in the city and the name of the baby you did give the person. some did i know and some didn 't you can get their brithcerificate and the copy also if requestions. adoption certiicate its called that should help. also here you ask for someone tohlep and they have lots of people if they know what state to help you in. take care.

  11. mine was was changed so much it says it was registered within a month of my being born..and my birth wasnt registered until two and a half years later..and who knows if the date is right and as for the time we can pretty much forget that..its the same for my four siblings as well...none of us know if we are even the age the state says we were...

  12. Could you edit your answer to say which State you child was born in - it would enable people to give you appropriate suggestions

    Yes they seal the original birth certificate away upon finalization of the adoption and issue an 'amended' birth certificate made to look as though our adoptive parents actually gave birth to us - bizarre, I know!    We are not allowed to access our original birth certificates - also bizarre

    There are many people speaking for you, did you know that?   they are saying you don't want to be found, you need protection from your child.  The industry is speaking on your behalf and preventing legislation being passed to reninstate an adopted adult's right to their own true record of birth.   I hope you and other mothers will come forward and dispel this myth!

    You are most likely to find a match on a registry using the date of birth and State.    There are loads of online registries and is a must.

    The State sometimes runs a registry but they are flawed because some people don't qualify to register.  For example if an adoptee was born in one State and adopted in another, they would not be allowed to register.   And fathers not named on the birth certificate cannot register.  Of course deceased persons cannot register.    The Industry tells us these State-run registries should be our only option  but they don't work and they restrict our civil liberties treating us differently under the law to every other citizen.

    I'm so sorry this is turning into a long-winded answer to your question.   I just want to say that, as an adoptee, I would love to have my mother contact me.   Never give up hope, ok?

    Take care and if you need any help at all, just ask

  13. Mine was changed.

    In the place of parents and birth information was removed and replaced with my adopting parents info.

    The essentials such as date of birth & birth place were the same

  14. you don't really think we get a real birth certificate, do you????

    they seal the original and give you a fake one.

  15. yes they change the birth certificate to the family name.

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