I am not really talking about the ones that adopt babies or young ones. But if you adopted a child, say 10 & 13 knowing that they where sexually and physically abused how do you raise them? Do you force them to call you mom and tell them not to talk to eachother before they adapted in the family. Like "Devided they fall"
Do you except them to act like your kids? even though they just entered your home. Do you isolate them, even from other people living in the home. Homeschool (nothings wrong them) them to have more 'say' over what they do. Making there life only at home, and forcing them to have no fun.
Hitting them (or spanking) when they do something slow or not how you think they should. Then send the younger one away cause "she kicked you when you hit her for being dislextic and not doing her work right"
Then 3 years later wonder you out the older one in a mental instution. And blame it all on her, being definate. Does this make sence??? How would you treat them?