
For America's Best Dance Crew,, Which Crew is better??

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Either So Real Cru

Super Cr3w

Boogie Bots

f***y Pak

I can't pick

What a strange delima :D




  1. OMG!!

    f***y Pak Rox my friggin Sox!

    they're style of dance is sooo new and hip. Matt Cady is a genius and he's the leader of the group. He's also resposible for Fish'n'Chicks from last year, who were also amazing.

  2. between f***y pack r so real crew

    they are so real both those crews are unique so are the rest but these are my favorite crews

  3. I like Super... they got some tight moves!

    Cool q!

  4. I like f***y Pak but they won't win so I will say Boogie Bots or Super Cr3w.

  5. So Real Cru....

          Pros: Very tight, very clean, very original...kind of kaba modern-esque, and they always come with creativity. Also, I think they're the crew that can best rip a slow, smooth song.

          Cons: They don't seem that great at fast stuff...they only know how to groove to slow smooth stuff

    Super Cr3w...

           Pros: By far the most athletic crew on the show, and contain some of the best b-boyers in the world.

           Cons: They're group coreogrophy, when you actually get to the DANCE compmonent of their routines seems weak and disorginized in my opinion. If the show was "dancing" alone (meaning exclusion of tricks and stunts), I think all of these others crews could school SC.

    Boogie Bots...

           Pros: Once again, very original, and very entertaining. Fun to watch, and they feel sort of retro (plus their rendition of Lil Flips game over...when they acted like video games in the black light was my favorite routine on this season to date.)

         Cons: Does anyone else think this crew is just sort of sloppy? It seems like the five members operate in slightly different time. For example, some members will hit hard and fast and aticipate the beat while others will lay back on the groove (or at least it seems that way to me.) Also...there's only five, so they're not as fun to watch.

    f***y Pak...

          Pros: Probably the most original crew that the show has ever seen in my opinion. They're coreography feels somewhat retro, but somehow so fresh and new. They really have exposed the world to an artform...and they hyphy scene of the West Coast. Also this crew always comes extremely clean and tight, and they know how to appeal to the visual astheic.

          Cons: f***y Pak is so intent on sticking to their own personal style, that watching thier performances from week to week fells redundant. Although I respect the crew for keeping it "f***y pak" I would like to see them mix it up a little more.

    When weighing it all out...I would have to say that f***y Pak is my favorite because of their originality and...but all of these crews are undoubtedly sick.

  6. Haha, i had the same dilemma. Mine, personally is So Real Cru and Super Cr3w.  It used to be Supreme Souls but sadly they were kicked off. I think that it should have been Super Cr3w and Boogie bots. but that's my opinion. Hope this helps your opinion!

  7. i would have to say that i think it will be soreal cru and super crew in the finale but i don't know which one is better or which one will win because i think they're equal.

  8. Boogie Bots

  9. f***y pak is my fav...

  10. So real crew or f***y pack are the two i am stuck between, so real cru is just so smooth, but f***y pack is so unique...think about who has more creativity and difficulty...

  11. I love f***y Pak and So Real they are both awesome :)

  12. Super Cr3w was my favorite from the very beginning of this season.  They are the most athletic, creative, acrobatic, and versatile out of the rest of the crews still standing..I think they'll be champs by the end of the season.

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