
For Aquarius, and parents of Aquarius Children...a question?

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At what age does the emotional detachment thing kick in for Aquarius people? Both my son (8) and daughter (5) are Aquarians, and they are the most affectionate, most expressive, most loving and openly emotional children I have ever met. They have real compassion and really do love to love. When does the distance and detachment trait kick in? I look at my son sometimes and it's hard to imagine that one day he'll have some woman spinning all over the place wondering why he's hot one minute and cold the next. It's also hard to believe that my little girl who is so in love and emotionally attached to mom will one day be fiercely independent. So, I'm wondering from those of you who are Aquarius, and those with Aquarius children...when does the detachment start?




  1. my name is jessica im a aquarius. im 14 yrs old around the age 13 i srarted geting detached... it may happen later fir ur children but i was 13 when it happened to me.

  2. I consider my son a late-bloomer. He was (and still is) very much emotionally attached and loving. Very much as you desribe your son. He is very open, loving, etc... However his "detachment" came around the age of 14-15yrs.old. Puberty started kicking in (well behind his peers it seemed). I guess it really depends on when your son and daughter start going through puberty.  

  3. My oldest grandson is 17...he's still emotionally attached to some degree but now that he has the ability to go out and work, drive, etc., he's become a much more independent force and making plans to move off the property as soon as he possibly can!

    I don't think his familial attachment will ever be far from the forefront of his mind...that's part of what makes him so unique!

  4. My situation is rather circumstantial so it might not be that helpful to you but I'll answer anyways. From the age of 7 to 11 my childhood was kind of traumatic and by 12 I had an anxiety/panic disorder because of it. Before that though, I was a VERY loving child and very very sensitive. It didn't take much to hurt my feelings and make me cry. One of my friends in 2nd grade moved away and I cried and cried for a whole week straight. After the whole ordeal though, I wasn't myself at all. I became very detached and learned to keep my feelings to myself. As I've gotten older though and healed from the past, I'm slowly becoming the person that I used to be. I'm still all those things on the inside but that's where they seem to be stuck--on the inside.

    My cousin is Aquarius and he started to become a little detached and independent at the onset on puberty. I remember cause he started getting pimples and started wearing deodorant for the first Also, most preteens are naturally rebellious and want to do their own thing at that age so when you throw that in the mix with an Aquarian that's also rebellious in nature it can be something else. I don't mean that in a bad way though. My mom was extremely lenient and since I didn't have any strict rules to rebel against I was a very good kid and teen. Never got in trouble, got good grades, and was in before it got dark all without having to be told to do so. I think that as long as you're not extremely overbearing with an Aquarian kid they'll still retain most of their sweetness. My cousin is a mama's boy even though he does he own thing. Hope that helped somewhat =)

    Edit: Your daughter sounds identical to me as a kid!! I used to wash the dishes and help around the house just to see the smile on her face. Just as long as you give them a little leeway I think they'll be alright. My mom's a Cancer too =)

  5. i belive that the emotional detachment thing kiks in when aquarians experince any form of injustice, as a form of rebellion,and the more contact we have with society the more we rebel, that doesn't mean that you should keep them loked up  

  6. Hi Marina :D

    Well come to think of it I was way more sensitive as a child then I am now.

    I'm pretty sure my sensitivity started going away around 12-ish...

    I wouldn't view it as all bad.

    I liked not being sooo sensitive....I mean for me at least I was such a

    I would get sooo hurt for no reason & then dwell on my hurt feelings for days on end....I hated it :\

    Feeling unhappy for silly & stupid things letting people get to me blah blah blah.

    If anything it made me more independant, assertive, blunt, and oddly accepting too :)

    I stopped caring for the labels put on me or the mean or 'hurtful' things said to me -_-

    Why let stupid things bother you? You shouldn't...  

    Before when I did care I didn't like how it felt...I think people should only care about things that matter.

    I think you are just looking at the bad side of Aquarians being to distant & uncomfortable with affection...

    I think being less sensitive made me more assertive to others...I never did anything I didn't want to...peer pressure was lame xP

    I never bowed down to pressure...I didn't care for labels. I comformed, but I comformed less than others...with detachment came independance & self indentifiaction & sweet rebellion against losers.

    I think it gave me confidence in the fact I wasn't going to let anyone hurt me over nothing...I forgave easier & was nicer with differences too.

    There is a lot of good & yeah some bad...  

    Raise them right, which I am sure you do : )

    And, a lot of good can come from it & you might have less trouble...even tho it will happen sometimes...just be prepared for it...


    Wow, I don't know if this helps??

    I have two water sign parents....I seriously hated too much control for NO reason -_-

    I felt I couldn't be open...I followed the rules & was 'good' but I seriously seriously hated to this day how controlled I "felt" I was...

    Let them know they can do more than they think, never close that communication because I closed mine off cuz I "thought" I coukdn't do anything...It just made me meaner, stubburn, and reserved -_-

    Things change, but I just couldn't connect...the whole I'm air your water thing...just couldn't mix...

    I wanted freedom...they justed never did anything out going & never communicated about what I could do...always what I couldn't.

    Idk...long story & it's one sided anyways ; )

    Just let them be them is where I am getting at & let them be a little more free & out going with school, activities, people, etc...I dunno I would have liked slack & space is all...

    I hope that helps :D :D :D

  7. My very Aquarius spouse was totally attached to his aunt from his infancy to the day she died. But, his mother says he weaned himself early and never would let anyone close to him. With me he is classic Aquarius..emotionally distant and I never know why he is giving me the cold shoulder. This suggests Aquarius chooses to allow intimacy when there is unconditional love for a lot of years until he knows its safe to feel something.

  8. I feel like everyone goes through that rebellious, fiercly independent stage at some point in life, but the length varies for everyone...Maybe its longer and more intense in Aquarians? I couldnt say for all...But personally, I'm 19, and I hope so far what I experienced in my life isnt it, I want to experience more and learn more, even if that means rebelling, so be it. If its a new experience and wouldnt kill me, Im probably going to go through it eventually. I think i rebelled a bit, or alot, more mentally, than in the physical sense. I think I do have a lot of compassion and attachment and trust to the point of being too naive, and over the years, it has taught me to detach myself just a little bit. Maybe thats a true Aquarian trait--we tend to feel other peoples emotions so deeply on us, that we feel we have to be strong and emotionally stable for others. I dont think you have to worry too much for your children though. Regardless, they sound like such unique, great kids, I want my own kids to be as expressive and emotionally free as you described yours being. The thing with Aquarians, is we go through intense sometimes awesome sometimes weird phases in life, but thats only to explore and expirement, we never stay far for long and will always come back to those we came in with.

    Peace Marina :)

  9. You are misinformed. Aquarius rising here.  There is no emotional detachment, rather, quite the opposite.  They are altruistic and loving until someone gives them a reason not to be.  Then they shut that person out of their life.  But there is still that emotional connection.

  10. I'm an Aquarius. I'm 17, and I'm still really attached to my parents. Especially my mom. But, umm... I don't know if it's like that for every Aquarius. I'm really compassionate, and when I get attached to someone or something, it's so hard for me to let go.

    I'm not sure when the whole detachment thing starts... I guess it just really depends on how you were raised.

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