
For Aussie Drivers?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it that you can be driving 10km over the speed limit and yet there are people zipping past you all the time or are constantly up your ****?

Don't these people know that they are likely to get done by a speed camera?

It seems like everyone is just going nuts on the road lately. I am not a slow driver by any means but today I had to do 125km to shake this b*****d off my **** on the freeway and it just seems like these kind of idiots on the road are everywhere and not driving safely - with the amount of road deaths caused from speeding it's really sad that they aren't paying attention.




  1. Some people just don't care. The ones I dislike the most are the darn trucks - they seem to come out of nowhere and tail gate you. The feeling of intimidation is intense and it's d**n scary.

    I usually pull right over and let them go.  My husband will slow down even more by braking  at times and force them to pass, when it is safe to do so.

    It is scary to be on the roads at the moment and I much prefer to wait a couple of weeks more before venturing out.

    Rather be home alive than dead on the way to the local milk bar to get a loaf of bread.

  2. Have you checked your speedo? both of our cars are reading low between 6-8 kph at100kph. I have checked others with a gps and not 1 was correct. The manufacturers build with a tolerance of 10 % and the law normally allow the same. If somebody is too close behind I simply put my indicator on and slow down. Speeding does not cause deaths (this is promoted by governments and so called road safety experts) what causes this type of accident is inappropriate speed for the conditions and this will not change until learner drivers are taught to drive cars under different circumstances and conditions and not to pass a driving test.

  3. you are responsible for yourself and your passengers.   NO_ONE can or should make you go faster than you think safe.  You always have the option of backing off the throttle and getting out of the way-let them have their accident/ticket-don't let them intimidate you into danger.   I once hit the brakes hard with an unmarked police car too close behind me.  he wrote a ticket, & I pleaded not guilty, because he shouldn't have been there.  I've not heard any more for >30 yrs.......
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