
For Black-Americans who live in the deep South......?

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Do you ever feel like your opportunities are limited because of where you live? Racism exists everywhere in America, but do you feel like the South is slower than other regions when it comes to change and better opportunities for Blacks? Do you wish or ever wanted to move to another region and why?




  1. I'm white and from Maryland, but I can tell you racism is still very rampant in the south. Look at the way civil rights swung the electoral map in Presidential elections from Democrat to Republican, and it's still the same after 40 years. Not all conservatives are racists, but alot of them are closet racists- giving themselves away as soon as they start complaining  and start bashing welfare or other government programs that try to help impoverished communities. (ghettoes)

  2. i'm in louisiana and the racism isnt as bad as people from up north think its about the same everyhwere opportunites are limited here but not becuz of racism but becuz of economic developement i will always live here i have no plans of moving i have my own business and i'm only 30 its more in the minds of people racism is a big cop out if you can afford $200 tennis and $3,000 rims on a $1,000 car why shouldnt you take that money and invest it but no so racism is B.S. its alive yeah but its not that bad  

  3. Opportunities in the South are limited, regardless of your race. The South is for blue collar workers, teachers, Doctors (of all kinds), and Attorney's. If you're not in one of those categories, opportunities are limited. State jobs in Alabama are filled by more blacks than whites due to Affirmative Action. The South is slower to change and that's what makes it the South, people like it that way. Life is not about black and white. I am a white 23 year old from south alabama. I can't get pell grants because my parents have jobs and so do I. So, I get student loans. I finally got a good job, but am still trying to get my education. It's not all about black people.  

  4. Well I'm not from the south I'm from chicago and but I just moved to virginia to finish school and I feel the difference all ready. People are really nice but its a weird vibe and I feel like there aren't many opportunities besides the military. Once I get my degree ill be running back to chicago unless I meet a sailor lol

  5. I am not black but I would like to try to answer some of your question.I have worked with blacks and gotten along with them very well. I really sometime think I am really black but just in a white skin. I love black music,women.I also have enjoyed working with blacks where I can learn their culture better. I have even had black bosses who I favored over white bosses,but I don't think of it being reversed racism,do you?And you know,no one,absolutely no one, can out cook a black woman. I just hope and pray that everyone thinks of each other as a brother or sister. You know,you have to admit,that it is much better for blacks than it use to be and it is getting better. We just have to keep working at it and have respect for everyone. I hope this answer will let you know how a lot of us whites feel about you and please don't get down because a few of us are still learning how to treat people of a different race. We are all God's children.  

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