
For Breast feeding moms?

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If you are going to have to start supplementing formula would it be better to mix it with the little bit of breasmilk that you have stored to prolong breast feeding or just give them tha breat milk straight no mixing and in a few weeks supplement.




  1. Why do you need to supplement?  It's rare to be actually necessary, and is dangerous to a milk supply.

    Formula is inferior to breast milk, and should be a last resort.

  2. I think you should just b/f with out mixing it! then when the time comes for you to have to supplement then give the straight formula.

  3. If you can avoid supplementing at all that would be better.  Are you stopping breastfeeding and going straight to formula? I would maybe mix so they get used to the change of taste.  Your baby might reject the formula otherwise.  

  4. The longer you can exclusively breastmilk feed (I take it you are not nursing directly?) for, the better; hold off on introducing formula to baby's system for as long as possible.

    Why do you have to start supplementing?

  5. Tell that someone that exclusively breastfeeding is much better and healthier for her child. Supplementing with formula, or mixing, is not a good idea if you have the opportunity to breastfeed. If she absolutely needs to start her on formula, I would breastfeed as long as I can, and then switch to formula as needed.

    **When you breastfeed, you have to breastfeed on demand to make more milk and eat plenty of food and drink plenty of fluids. Your body can only know how much milk to make when your baby is drinking from the b*****s.

    PS: I would go with giving her the breastmilk from the b*****s...until you have to supplement.  :)

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