
For Chicagoans. Red light violation in Chicago?

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I received a Chicago red light violation in the mail today. I was not driving at the time which they should see if they have a picture of the driver. It says that I'm responsible

as the registered owner of the car.

I know that it is pretty much impossible to contest these tickets in Chicago but does anyone have any experience with this?

Also, should I contest the $100 ticket (and there I thought that they are always 90 bucks), does anyone know how much more I would have to pay in court fees?

And yes, I do know that it is the easiest to pay the thing to get rid of it, but still would like some info about this.

Thank you!




  1. i live in chicago, and have gotten a red light violation by one of the cameras.  i just paid the fee and went about my buisness.  why contest it when it could cost you in upwards of 100 dollars in legal fees.

  2. Many areas are going to red light cameras and ticketing the owner of the vehicle.  Just means you have to be more picky on who you allow to drive your car.  There has been a big push for red light violations over the past year or so because of the large number of deaths related to accidents.  It would be very difficult to beat the charge being they have a picture of your vehicle running the red light.

  3. There isn't anything to contest.  Your car, operated by someone, committed the violation.  The city feels that if it wasn't you, then you know who it was, and that person who you so kindly lent the car to will pay the fine.  If not, the responsibility will fall on the registered owner.  You would have to call them to find out exactly how much more it would cost if you contest it.

  4. It is a civil ticket. There is no court, when you protest it you see a hearing officer. The hearing officer can call up the picture on a monitor, which is better then the print out.

    You are correct, since it is a civil case you do not have to be the driver. You are responsible for your vehicle by the law the city council passed when the put in the cameras. This was a law that has passed muster in other cities first. Court challenges to the law have failed repeatably.

    If it is your car, and the car was not reported stolen you are responsible and the hearing officer will not let you out of it. There are no fees to see the hearing officer. If after the hearing officers decision you decide to go to court you will have to pay court fees. There are so few people that have gone to court after the first couple of months that I have never heard what the fees are.

    $90. is for a real non civil ticket from an officer for disobeying the traffic control signal.

  5. yep, this is considered a parking ticket. Does not matter if you were driving or not, just as if you loaned your car to someone and they parked it in a handicap zone, you get the ticket.

    Just pay the ticket and try to get whomever was driving to pay you back.

  6. be careful when driving!

    respect signs!

    driving in Chicago is a privilege, don't lose it

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