
For Christians only please!?

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hello everyone. I am a Catholic Christian and I pray the rosary and the our father, hail mary, and those prayers. I also just talk to God. How exactly do you pray to him? Besides conversation and the our father. I'm confused. How exactly would you pray to Jesus besides just talking to him. I have a prayer book. What are the guidelines or what does everyone do?




  1. Do whatever you feel comfortable with.

  2. I meditate

  3. I pray and i tell him my problems and i just wait for him to help... and answer my prayers.  

  4. Hello back! my name is Daniel and im going to be honest im kind of curious why you want to know different ways to pray? interesting most catholics, in my experience, admittedly dont really pray other than the specified prayers for eating or the rosery, or in the our father.

       This is a really interesting question because i dont think ive ever prayed anything other than the serenity prayer once with my mom, and conversationally. I also prayed the our father because jesus said that this is how you should pray (matthew 6:9).  i have not heard of any other ways of praying other than you have mentioned. But the way i pray is the just talking to God

  5. Most of my praying is free form.  I only recite pre-written prayers as part of specific rituals.

    In my prayers I try to make sure I spend at least as much time thanking God for the specific blessings in my life as I do asking him for things.  I believe that expression of gratitude is important for my spirit.

    I also believe when I pray I am most open to feeling the Holy Spirit inspire me, so I try to make sure I focus on listening as well as talking.

  6. First of all, He doesn't hear/acknowledge any prayers not made directly TO HIM or those in any other name than His Son Jesus Christ.

    1Ti 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;  

  7. Hi. Im a pastafarian. When I pray to the FSM, I always eat spaghetti

  8. I have just shut my eyes  and it has always while I'm at prayer there seems a peace that comes over me and I start my day i just ask god if I can do something for al the things he has helped me in my life .

  9. There is no certain way.  Just pray from your heart.

  10. don't think of him as some big and powerful person, even though he is. talk to him like you would talk to you best friend as a conversation. tell him whats on your mind, how your day has been. the more you do so, then the more you will feel comfortable praying to him

  11. I am also Catholic Christian and I also pray the Rosary, Our Father, Hail Mary and all the other Catholic Prayers. At times i also just go into a quiet room, close my eyes and just talk to God. I just let my heart do the talking. Prayer can come from anywhere if you know how to look. Even the depths of your soul can produce a prayer worthy of God. Just let your heart guide your lips and thoughts as you speak to God. God Bless

  12. well you sure do know how to pray to hail mary and do the rosary and for what they cant hear or help you out with nothing you pray for,but neways pray to him like if he is your friend b/c he is your best friend that is how i pray to him. but dont joke around or anything be serious ask with a sincere heart! Good Luck

  13. don't use prefabricated repetition.  Just take it to Him.

  14. In tongues

  15. Hey!  It's really hard for me to pray, too.  I constantly have to remind myself that He's my creator!

    When I go to prayer, I pray the Rosary on my way to work (Ihave a Rosary ring so I dont get distracted by counting out beads), and I pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet on the way home.  These both help guide my day and direct my first thoughts of the day toward him.

    During Adoration is hard for me.  However, you can 1) read the bible

    2) pray the rosary or other written prayers (just grab a prayer book, or even the missals at Church have prayers in the back), 3) read about lives of the saints (this encourages us to live our lives for Christ, but also reminds us about our shortcomings), 4) Sit and listen. literally.  just listen to other people breathe, listen to you breathe, and let your mind ponder the mystery of Christs' redemptive death on the cross.  Go over the entire scene in your head.  Watch him suffer.  Watch him offer up himself for you! (for us).  Then connect it with the Mass, the gift of the Eucharist!  He's there for us! 5) Just talk to God.  Go over your day in yoru head, and start to recognize where he's been working and present in your daily life, your family and friends, and where you need to give a little bit more to be in communion with him.

    And remember, the greatest prayer is the Mass.  Go as often as possible.  Just try to get there once during the week (beside, of course, Sundays)--your life will increase in blessings!

    God Bless.

  16. You can pray more formally by saying The Lord's Prayer...Our Father, who art in heaven...

    There are actually several types of prayers. There is intercessory prayer, where you pray on behalf of someone in trouble, or in need, or they are in a desperate situation and you don't have the means to help. By what's called "standing in the gap" you can be the intermediary for them. There are prayers of petition where you can pray for something for yourself. Say, you have a difficult decision to make, you can ask God for guidance, or petition Him to give you an answer for help with making the right choice. There are prayers of Thanksgiving. Just tell Jesus how much you love and adore Him. Let him know about everything that you're thankful in your life. Jesus loves it when we just come to give thanks, instead of always asking.

    I also think we need to spend a lot more time listening than talking, otherwise how can we ever hear what He has to say to us? I hoped this helps God Bless You.

  17. lmao i pray to god 5 times aday

    i fast for him

    live for him

    and read for him


    allah <3

  18. when I pray, it's usually just talking to God. I say my prayer and then I go more into detail about how I feel, or I ask questions to Him, or something of that nature. But hon, you can pray however you want...however God is leading you. He's your friend. It matters more to Him that you are praying, not how you're praying.  

  19. Sounds to me like you're already doing very well in your prayer life.

    Keep it up.

  20. This is a great question. I think that it's interesting that you think there needs to be a "rulebook" per se, or guidelines to praying to the Lord. As a devout Catholic myself, I can assure you that God doesn't want you to have to jump through hoops to have a relationship with Him or pray to Him. However, I think that as long as you are sincere and reverent in your prayer, there is no other right or wrong way to pray. While it is nice to pray those prayers, it is also beneficial and much more personal to pray to God just as you would talk to a good friend, letting Him know what's on your heart and what you hope for. Hope this helps! God Bless!

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