
For Cricket lovers.?

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Why this game has been named after an animal?




  1. its not named after an animal both have diffrent meanings for example- country turkey thers also a bird turkey

  2. It seems to me that as we all have animality.

  3. Get ur fact right. Cricket is an insect, not an animal.

  4. wrong, it is a insect not a animal.

  5. Coz the insect makes chipping noise by rubbing it's forewings!

    This what ther in word web!

  6. That's a good question..but it's not the name of the game i love, it's the actual game.

    Who named cricket, cricket? That's a good question that i can't answer.

  7. A number of words are thought to be possible sources for the term "cricket". The name may derive from a term for the cricket bat: old French criquet (meaning a kind of club) or Flemish krick(e) (meaning a stick) or in Old English crycc (meaning a crutch or staff). (The latter is problematic, since Old English 'cc' was palatal in pronunciation in the south and the west midlands, roughly ch, which is how crycc leads to crych and thence crutch; the 'k' sound would be possible in northern dialects, however.) Alternatively, the French criquet apparently derives from the Flemish word krickstoel, which is a long low stool on which one kneels in church and which resembles the long low wicket with two stumps used in early cricket

  8. I've often wondered this myself! I can't think of a logical reason at all.
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