
For DC Comics buffs; Is there still going to be a DC universe left after Final Crisis??

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What happens after that?

Are DC Comics still going to be published? *Lol* What's all this stuff about "the death of the DC universe" or "the day evil won"?

I'm terribly sorry about my ignorance, but I'm a long-time Marvel fan who's just starting to get into DC comics (Reading Green Lantern at the moment. I hear that Geoff John's stuff is great).

There's a lot of hype about "Final Crisis" that's got me very intrigued.

Thanks guys.




  1. As I understand it, all the stories published right now are taking place before Final Crisis, and each title will slot it into their continuity at the end of FC.

  2. there will still be dc comics. as for time line of when r.i.p is taking place:don't think about it too much, because continuity is kind of a thing of the past.these days its all consisenisty.just ask wolverine.

  3. Of course.

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