
For English people, have you ever experienced this?

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Have you ever gone to Wales, and gone in a bar or a shop or a cafe, and theres Welsh people in there talking to each other in English, but when they hear you speak, they start to talk to each other in Welsh?




  1. So don't go to Wales, go to Cornwall instead. We wouldn't dream of being so rude to people there.

    I visited Wales ONCE, and was so disgusted by their behaviour, I havn't been back since. I bet they manage to speak English when they're getting your money off you though. Do they deserve English tourists is what we should be asking???

    Carina..... Of course we don't expect other people to speak English for us, but the Welsh are well known for speaking in their native Welsh language JUST when English people enter a pub, or shop, even if they were speaking English themselves before we enter. It's rude, and ignorant, and they deserve to be boycotted. There's plenty of lovely places to visit in England, we don't need to go to Wales to be insulted!!!!

    subst99........ I work in a shop in Cornwall, we have lots of visitors from all over the World, and we treat everyone with the respect they deserve. I wouldn't have a job, if it wasn't for tourists. You would be welcomed with a smile, and treated like a person. It's equally,(if not more) beautiful than Wales, but without the hostility!!!

  2. yeah they do it to try and agravate you - they do it to make you realise that they are the bosses and you are the foreigner. Makes you feel small and stupid. Its the height of rudeness, but hey! your in wales, remember...

  3. Good on you Seb!!!

  4. Well, as a German tourist, I made two such experiences in Wales, one in a shop, where the people would talk to me in Welsh when it was pretty clear that I wasn't Welsh; and one in a pub where I felt like I was in a League of Gentlemen sketch (along the "this is a local pub... for local people" line).

    Rudeness certainly doesn't bring tourists back; and seeing that Wales doesn't have any other source of income....

    Anyway, I soon noticed that many shops had a little sign at the door signalling that they were speaking Welsh, and I just started to avoid those shops.... saves trouble....

  5. what lovely great big chips you've all got on your shoulders

    no wonder half the world speaks English ... every English person seems to demand that everyone speak the English language in front of them at all times

    which means that it's also no wonder that people who can communicate in another language would do so when there's an English person within earshot, so that they can at least have a bit of privacy in their conversation

  6. yes many a time ... and i was in a Spar convinience store in Aberystwyth and the cashier wouldn't speak in English.

    Next time a Welsh Person asks me for help, i'm going to start speaking Yorkshire to them :-D

    they are Free and Welcome to speak Welsh in Wales, but when i was in need of help, and tried to ask for it, they did it to spite me, which i thought was rude and uncalled for

    and to add further to my Aberystwyth story, the Locals also took it upon themselves to throw eggs at me and my Friends ... what a friendly bunch they are.

  7. It happen in Gaelic Scotland too.

    its to remind the English that they are still hated in those regions.

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