
For Europeans only please?

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In your country do you think EU has been a good thing or a bad thing for you?

In my country prices are higher, employment is higher, loss of national coinage, people leaving for other countries raising age of populace as young people educated, leave and limiting of National culture.

How do you see it in your country? Please identify.....




  1. In Britain it's been a disaster totally destroying the health and welfare systems and taking sovereign power away from the home people.

  2. Ireland too, the EU has helped massively creating massive employment and connecting us to a huge market.

    Ireland was in the unusual position of not having enough people to work to keep the economy growing, thanks to the immigrants from Eastern European countries we kept gowing and created a whole new retail market, e.g. specialty food stores, Polish fashion has seeped into Irish fashion, new alcoholic beverages have entered Ireland as well as food varying the Irish diet.

    It has helped Ireland grow economically and culturally.

    It is unfortunate, no terrible that your country is loosing its younger population, thats what happened to Ireland.  But in the long run it may be beneficial.  Part of Ireland's success stems from the fact the Irish immigrants came back to invest in the country with money they made in other countries.

    It is up to the national government to create policies that will help their country grow and make it attractive for their young educated to stay.

    As for national identity, the Irish are the proudest of their nationality in Europe.  Europe doesn't dilute nationality or culture it promotes diversification.  Irish was made an official European language, they are helping bring back a language from the brink of extinction.

  3. Ireland has benefit hugely from the EU. The introduction to the Euro currency doesn't bother us. I know that in the UK they complained about sovereign etc. The previous answer has mentioned the health service. The EU has nothing to do with each countries health services.

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