
For GA pilots - do you think check-lists are mandatory?

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I have been in the GA environment for many years. Some flying clubs and schools demand checklists be used for all facets of a flight, from pre-flight to shut-down. I was initially trained using mnemonics and am comfortable with this and find checklists for everything to be a distraction and a pain - especially as a sole-pilot operation. I also think it complicates your natural instincts when you have to concentrate on reading a checklist that doesn't add to anything you know already.

What do you think about checklists for everything?




  1. Nearly every professional pilot uses a checklist for exactly what it is called...checking.  Develop a flow-pattern that gets all the essential items incorporated in it, and use muscle memory to reinforce that pattern.  After you have completed it, go back and read the checklist to make sure you have gotten every item.

    All airlines and most part 91 and 135 operators currently use this system.  As does the military in most phases of it operations.  It is a proven method and one that I considered mandatory when I was instructing.

    After all, its a "check" list not a "do" list.

  2. Here is a key...learn a flow...DO the FLOW's then back yourself up with a checklist.

    Nothing irritates me more than someone using it as an itemized to do list...It is not meant for that purpose..

    When a pilot or a crew is in a high workload environment on a low IMC approach,etc. You need to know a flow...if you don't you will get behind the airplane...perhaps won't even be near it..haha..anyway, as a corporate pilot flying high performance jets I can tell you how important this is...

    Jonathan S



  3. In your sole pilot operation your safety is all that is endangered by you missing a key item. However as you know the check list becomes rote after a few hundred times using it.

    However I am still a believer in check lists.

  4. Absolutely.  It is a good habit to get into because in high-workload situations it can be very easy to forget a step.

  5. To check or NOT to check?   THAT is the question. For my money, I'll go with the checklist. Unfortunately these guys did not. They are out of work.

  6. normal GA visual flying in something like a single engine cessna/piper don't really require a checklist and i was taught to use geographical scans and/or mnemonics. However as you get into IFR/multi-crew environment/more complex machinery etc then checklists are important and necessary. the normal checklists as you know are challenge/response and the non-normals are read and do.

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