
For Ghost Hunter fans?

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Has any one ever ask the Ghost Hunters why they turn off the lights? To me if it is there it is there. No matter night or day, lights on lights off. Why do they use antique night vison? There is night vison now where you can count the hairs on a fly's behind at 25 yards. And I do not want to hear Because it make it scarier. These guys are for real, righr?




  1. It's just entertainment.

  2. Ghost Hunters is real. Yes, spirits/ghosts are always around but tend to be more active at night. They use infra-red video which records at night. T.A.P.S. are for real. Ghosts are real.

  3. They probably think you're just trying to cause trouble, but, in fact you are correct there are many instances of other worldly apparitions doing things in our own light, even during the daytime. I would personally guess that it has to do with how important the message they are bringing is. I have more personal information but refuse to share online,, ppl think im wacky enough on here haha

  4. We usually go out after 12 midnight. I've been told activity is best during 12:30 and 5:30AM. It could be lit by street lamps or just by the moonlight... So far we have only gone to cemeteries and ghost tours. Myself I would not prefer the lights to be out. I dont believe that it matters. How could I see something if it appeared. We use night vision cameras and would like to have an infra-red but most of what we capture is EVP's on our digital recorders. We did have contact once in a graveyard. One of our "seerers" got pushed...

  5. During a Nighttime Examination of Paranormal Activity, we turn out the lights ourselves, in order to better detect activity.  In Addition, we are able to better Detect shadows moving...instead of creating them with light.

    We use Thermal imagery as well, to detect changes in temp at a specific location.  In Addition, we utilize IR technology with 0 lux receptor cameras, to better capture any activity.  Night vision Devices these days utilize 1-2 lux (Low Light), with 0 lux being Pitch Black (No Ambient Light).

    Those gentlemen have been doing it a long time (Jason for 18 years), and I've been doing it for 28 years.  They have a pretty good "grip" on how to conduct an Examination (they call it an investigation)...but remember, they are on TV, with "artistic license" being brought into play.

  6. you should watch paranormal state. it's way better. ghost hunters never finds anything interesting

  7. they are plumbers so they don't have a big budget i think they mostly film their stuff independently and then sell it to sci fi. they don't have the money for that equipment. they turn off the lights because most hauntings happen after dark so with the lights off they are more likely to see activity.
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