
For Girls only : What do you appreciate/admire most about a guy phyiscally and personality wise ? .. and?

by  |  earlier

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What do you dislike or can't stand the most ?

Adding why is more then welcome ;)





  1. i like muscles i dont like short or ribs showin

    i like controllin sexist men, men that wanna dominant women is a big turn off lmao

    i like to b scared but feel protected at the same time lol

    goth boys are s**y two

  2. 1. Cleanliness and Neatness.

    There is nothing more disgusting than a dirty, funky nasty man with a nasty stinky butt, underarms, feet, breath, etc. I will only be with a man who bathes twice a day, takes care of his body, and wears clean, neat clothes. Any man who comes home from a hards days work and doesnt take a Bath or long shower is Nasty. And nay man who sleeps around is NASTY. Women are called Hoes for sleeping around, but any man who lays down with any thing walking is a Hoe too.

  3. i admire his loyalty honesty and sense of truth and self. i hate ignorance, rudeness, cruelty and people who do things to "fit in"

  4. I admire guys that can accept when they are wrong, i like their competitive personality. I cant stand the fact that a lot of them refuse to touch feelings so they avoid tough situations, but i like it how they defend me and protect me ^^

  5. Physically I think a guys smile and eyes are pretty important. Personality wise I like a guy who is totally himself and truly doesn't care what someone else thinks of him. I think that's important because then you know exactly who they are. On the other hand I can't stand it when a guy copies the general look unless he really does like it. Whether it be with the clothes he wears or whatever. I also really hate when guys are totally stuck up and act way too macho.

  6. the thing i admire most physically is a nice smile but also nice eyes, its a tie between those two..

    personality: they have to be funny,or else your relationship will be boring.

    i dislike guys who think their all that and who are cocky and only care about themselves

  7. I love: style, body, and interests about a guy.

    (I like guys who are artistic and thin and have good style and take care of themselves)

    I hate: no game, bad bodies and faces, and no style, and stupid interests.

    (I hate guys with no confidence or game, fat or chubby or huge and too bulky,or gangly guys are disgusting, I hate bros that have no style and shop at american eagle and only like sports and keggers and have no class or artistic interests.)  

  8. What  I like the most is if they are sincere and nice, funny, cute, and you know kind and loving.

  9. i want him to be sweet to me, nice to  everyone else also though, to respect me.

    the kind of guy that i kno woudl call me beautiful not hot

    have a sense of humor

    smart not as in Honors calss smart, smart as in he cares a little bout school, cares biout grades...

    phhysiocally, hiar shouldnt be too short, nice smile....not look too stiff

    besides that i dont care for much more that i can think of

  10. I love the "V" that little pathway that gos right to the goodies! Oh yea.

  11. Lads can really annoy girls when they do little things but they don't realize it!

    I appreciate it when lads don't take you for granted.

    I Cant stand it when lads sweet talk you to try and get something out off you then if they do they ditch you and never speak to you again. I really cannot stand it when you spend a whole weekend with someone on a first date and they tell you that they think they are falling for you or something like that then they never phone you back.

    I think too that guys are usually a lot more immature then girls and this is something than i dislike about most guys.

    The Final Thing That Annoys me about guys is that they, sometimes, when you are dating them they stop you from talking to other guys and get really jealous and angry when you do.  




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  13. i like abs:] cuz they are hot

    and i like a guy who is funny

    and nice and doesnt drool all over "hot" girls

    someone who only sees you

    i dont like pale guys

    and he has to be somewhat intelligent

  14. For me I most like a guy who is confidant and easy to talk to, and someone who is comfortable in their own skin is definitely something that I admire. Physically, I love a guys eyes and back...back is kinda random but true! lol I can't stand a guy who is cocky or  conceited. I also physically hate guys that have long fingernails. It just grosses me out.  

  15. I appreciate it if a guy is more than willing to make sure that your comfortable. Why? Because situations tend to become uncomfortable/awkward when your with a boy and if your not into the whole scene, he should want you to be comfortable. I also admire a guy who doesn't try and bring you down. Why? All humans should like themselves and others because of who you are. Tearing down a person is cruel and for personal gain. Guys who do that tend ot be controlling.

    I also like really hot guys. I mean the average aren't that bad but I don't think there's any harm in wanting some muscles or height.

    I dislike immaturity, please don't stick out your tongue while your eating. Farting is normal but not a joke.

  16. i agree with u

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