
For Heavy Set Mommies Please!!! How much weight did you gain and what complications did you have?

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Before pregnancy I was a bit heavy now i've gained 17 pounds at 6 months..




  1. I weighed probably about 180-190 pounds pre-pregancy..

    Im 21 1/2 weeks and weigh a lil over 200 now..

    I havent had any complications, everything is healthy and normal.

  2. I started heavy.  I think I've gained 15+ pounds now (might even be 20), but I am already almost 36 weeks.  My appetite has been small the whole time.  I've had no complications.

  3. I was overweight before I got pregnant all three times. With my first daughter I gained 50 pounds with my second daughter I gained 25 pounds and with this baby so far at 6 months I've gained 10 pounds. I never had any complications due to my weight, "knock on wood".  

  4. I was 135 when I got preg with my first and before i delivered I was 165. Then I had lost about 20 and was 145 when i got pregnant with my second and got up to 180. after him I went down to 170. then got pregnant with my third a couple months after my second was born. Before i delivered my third I was 202!!!!!!!!!!! So now I'm not pregnant and I'm back at 175. So thats 40lbs I have to get rid of.

  5. I wasn't really that over weight when I got pregnant, just a little and I have gained 40 lbs and I am 9 days overdue.  I haven't had any complications and everything is perfectly healthy.

  6. i gained 70 Lbs right now I weigh 260 Lbs Im 37 weeks 5 days ...

    I had high blood pressure for a while but it went back to normal and so far other than that I have not had any complications ...

  7. 17 pounds at 6 months isn't bad at all!!!  I gained 32 pounds, had my son at 34w6d, but was on bedrest for five weeks.  I had no complications that were associated with my weight.

  8. girl you are doing good for only gaining 17 pounds so far. with my first i gained 100 which put me at 280.then with my second i gained 50 pounds. with my first one i had high blood pressure and with my second one i didn't have any complications

  9. Im am not heavy set, but I have a sister-in-law who is and just had a baby. 17 LBS. in 6 months is great! Since you are over weight, you want to gain less, but make sure that you are eating healthy and drinking lots of water.

    This is from

    If you were overweight for your height (a BMI of 25 to 29.9), you should gain 15 to 25 pounds. If you were obese (a BMI of 30 or higher), you should gain no more than 15 pounds. If you're having twins you should gain about 35 to 45 pounds. If you fall into any of these four categories, talk to your healthcare provider about how much you should gain each month.  

  10. With my first I gained 23 lbs

    Second 5 lbs

    Third 8 lbs

    and this baby at 31 weeks have gained 5 lbs. There have been no complications and even had two home births.

    Why would you thumbs down my answer. Grow up.

    I was 222 when I got pregnant.  I got pregnant the first time with my second and third children and the second time with my second child.

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