
For LGBT...or anyone really...been lacking motivation / depressed.?

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I'm putting this here because I like the people in this section and value their feedback. I'll start off by saying I'm a guy. I live in the southern US.

A new school year has just started as of now and I am a junior. I've been struggling a lot with my sexuality and realizing that I'm g*y over the summer and was pretty much depressed all summer because of it. I can't explain why that made me depressed - but it did. I was in denial for a few months before the summer also. I had over-the-summer schoolwork and I didn't do most of it. I'm not trying to make excuses...I didn't do the work and that's that. However this year I am taking a couple college courses, which are supposed to be extremely difficult and I've already made a bad impression on these teachers by not doing that work. It also doesn't help that the teachers of the college courses are for the most part a******s.

The problem is I've lost all motivation to do much of anything; especially my schoolwork. Even doing things that I used to enjoy don't give any real pleasure. The only thing that gives any sense of pleasure and that I still want to do is helping others (this includes but isn't limited to being on Y!A). I realize that I can't always do that and have to focus on me, though.

I'm not popular at school - everyone always assumes I'm a nerd or I'm perfect when it comes to my schoolwork when that really isn't the case. I've never been a straight A student, though I usually made ok grades. I had always planned to finish high school and go to college. I don't want to end up with a crappy job because I didn't get a good education but it feels like I'm at a dead end. I'm ridiculously unsure of myself and my future. I don't have any real life friends that I can talk to about this; i'm in the closet. I can be in a classroom full of students at school but I feel so distant from everyone else. I don't have amazing support at home; though my mom accepted me when I came out to her.

I've been seeing a counselor but it's like she doesn't know where I'm coming from. Am I just being too emotional or what? Does it sound like a depression? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.




  1. ya by Tara J BUT i LEARNED THAT g**z LIKE US TURN HER ON !!!! XD

  2. u haven't aceepted the fact thar ur g*y...i totally get you...only time

  3. wow i was in this situation my junior year as well and found myself depressed more than any other time in my life, it is the most hard when you realize it, dont escape it! its not going to go away. that is honestly harder than coming out, excepting yourself. you have to really look for something to be happy about, take your mom, she is ok with it, that is something to be happy about,do the school work for her. about the teachers, thats college, it doesnt really get any easier, and you might be able to use your work to help jump the hurdle of depression, if you are taking a writing class or lit class you your experiences to make your work stringer and impress  your teachers,

          there are always to make a situation better, it wont get better lickety split but it will only get better if you make it better, no magical being is going to pop out of the cieling and make it better, it is what you make out of it, and there are a lot of people out there to help you for anything, including your parents. counselors are good but i understand the not understanding, get with a favorite teacher, a freind with maturity tends to make things a lot better!

      most of all, hang in there, it will get better, trust me. even the most close minded people tend to open up for a friend!!!  smile, its good for you

  4. You know, it was kind of eerie reading this.  I know exactly where you're coming from in regards to the "lack of motivation", because that's what's happening to me too.  It definitely sounds like depression to me, and I've been dealing with my own depression since I was 10.  

  5. I really feel for you... I think a lot of people experience these feelings in high school and coping with your sexual orientation on top of it doesn't help.

    One of the best things you can do is continue to reach out to people, even if it is online. I'm not a hippie or anything, but a lot of people don't realize how connected we all are!

    Have you considered coming out to any of your friends? It might help to have someone to talk to that knows a little more about your life.

  6. Well first of all i just wanted to tell you to say strong and keep your head up. It sounds like your depressed, but your sexuality but at least your sure of it sense i'm still confused about mine. I wasn't to popular in high school either but trust me things are going to get better. Right now just try to concentrate on your school work and talk to someone about your issues it will help  

  7. First let me tell you how brave you were to come out to your Mother at this age. The fact that she is being supportive and also taking you to counseling shows me that she wants what is best for you. Maybe the counselor you are seeing just isn't the right person and you don't feel a connection with her. Talk to your Mother about seeing a different counselor. I also think it would be very beneficial to you if you could talk to other g*y kids, do you have any g*y organizations close by that you could contact? I'll list some on line resources for you. Good luck sweetie and hang in there.

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