
For Married Couples:Did You Ever Feel Guilty...?

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For those people who are married and who cheated on their spouse, did you ever feel guilty for doing what you did? Did you feel remorse? What did you feel about cheating your spouse? Did you ever regret for doing it? Were you able to make it up to your spouse? And what happened to your relationship right now? Tell me all about it. I'm curious. And... serious answers please. Thank you.




  1. My wife cheated and it ended up with me re-writing my little book on love, life and s*x.  I have a different view now of what a marriage should and can be...and a higher level of love that is possible within a very soulmelded relationship that most don't understand.  I had to go to extremes to "get over it", and it changed how I think about love and marriage.  Long story.  But it boils down to either having that incredable soul and mind melded relationship or not...and what can be a good or bad thing within it.  I cheated after she did and felt like a human being again.  My point is pushing the limits from within a comitted soulmelded relationship is different and preferable to "cheating".  sorry if that sounds I said, it's a long story

  2. No i have never felt guilty or remorse for cheating on my husband....No reason to.

    Married 15 yrs.

    Im sure he has cheated too.

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