
For Maths GCSE OCR higher tier do you have to know the conversion factors e.g. cm to inches etc.???

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I really need to know!! i've got my GCSE on monday, does anyone who's doing higher tier OCR GCSE Mathematics Paper 3 on monday know whether we need to learn those conversion factors? Thanks!! ANy help would be really appreciated!




  1. you could check on the OCR website

  2. yes you do,   because i get home tutored, ive ben told what things ill need to know

    COnverstion factors is one of them

    heres a few examples

    1L= 1000ml

    2.5 cm = 1 inch

    5miles = 8 kilometers

    1kg= 2.2llbs

    hope i helped you

    Hope you do well in your exams too

    Megan x

  3. If you need to know them, then there have been significant changes since I used to teach!   Firstly, units for public matters in the UK changed to metric except for miles (and think of the news stories where poor sellers have been prosecuted for selling in lbs instead of kgs).  Secondly, the exact conversion values are not really mathematical - they are a sort of numerical accident and IF you needed to convert you would be given some resource with the values in.

    BTW I would expect the metric unit system to be known, so 1000ml = 1 L  is part of that rather than conversion from metric to imperial.

    However, a general idea that height would be measured either in ft or metres; that  metric tonnes would be more likely to measure train carriages than people will avoid ridiculous answers.

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