
For NASCAR's Most Popular Driver, There Sure Are A Lot Of Jr. Haters?

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How is Jr. so popular, yet there are SO many people who dislike him?




  1. I'm a true Jr fan and will remain one no matter what so all the haters can start giving me thumbs down now!! Maybe people are just jealous of him and what they expect him to be they don't see him for himself they expect him to be his dad and he's not but he is a great guy and driver and if people would look at him for himself they might see things differently!! but that's just my opinion!!  Go Jr!!!

    Edit: Thanks bestanswer!! your to funny, and I think your great too!!!!!

    edit: you go dianne m. you nailed it great answer!!

  2. Winter Glory said it - there are a lot of junior haters, and there always have been.  there was an episode of windtunnel right after the richmond incident where a caller had called in and said "kyle busch, you are THE MAN... junior, hold your frickin line" implying that a) this person was a kyle busch fan, and b) that the incident was junior's fault.  

    there are many people like that guy, and the guy who got on here a week or so ago asking for a picture from a race where he was supposedly holding a sign that read "kyle busch fan since 2 laps to go at richmond."  not only was he wrong in his lap count, but he was wrong in that he wasn't a kyle busch fan - at least not one i want to be associated with. he was just a junior hater who finally found something concrete to bash him for.

    real fans don't do such c**p nor do they let others do it, whenever possible.

    that's my opinion.

  3. I don't really mind Jr., I just don't like some of his fans.

  4. well im one of the haters b/c he is no where as good as other drivers yet everyone loves him.  he cant  win a championship and he cant win races so why does everyone think he is sooo good?  ohhh yea its b/c of his daddy. everyone likes him b/c of his daddy and his last name. ♥  peace

  5. I'll try stay out of this, but I have to say I'd rather win races and be hated, than be the most popular and not win.

  6. It's just a bunch of jealous Kyle Busch fans

  7. I like Junior but I hate his fans who complain and cry about everything.

  8. because creeps and psychos hang out on internet forums

  9. Ok, it seem's to me that the majority of Jr. haters are KB fan's.  I can tell you right now, you have you're fact's messed up. Let's separate the KB and Jr. fans into 2 seperate rooms.  We'll see "who is disliked more".  This is not intended to offend any KB fans, we're all entitled  to whom we choose to root for.  Someone show me this in statistical terms (proof) that so many "people" dislike Jr. Then I'll believe it.  And, how long do you Jr haters have to read that Jr is making his own name. He DOES NOT want to live in his fathers shadow. Yes, he loved his father. But if you kept up to date on Jr. You would see that he has done many GOOD things with his own name. What's he supposed to do, change his last name?

    Edit: Thanks, dianne m, I like you're answer as well. I also like Rackpurdue and dalejr4ever's answer's.

  10. because most of his fans are smart enough to stay off yahoo answers

  11. Probably because the haters voice their opinion on how much they hate him more than the fans run around voicing their opinion in favor of him.

  12. I was a fan of Dale Jr before his dad died.. I think people whether they are Dale Jr haters or Dale Jr bashers, or they hate his fans, just hate all the attention that he gets..Theres always somebody that some fans are going to hate, I respect all fans opinions, I do not hate any drivers, I just have about 6 that aren't my favorites....We have not seen the haters come out in full force yet, wait till he wins a race, cause its going to be all you will hear about, the haters hate him when he looses and they are gonna hate him more when he wins that first race with HMS, and if he wins a couple races and is a real Cup contender, all of us Dale Jr fans, will have to have super thick skin, as we will then be hated for him winning. Its a no win situation for us Dale Jr fans....He will always be my favorite, I'm learning to just ignore the haters, and I have said many many times on here I DO NOT HATE any drivers. Theres just way to much hate in the world already with out Nascar fans spreading more hate..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  13. Speaking as an old Earnhardt fan, a little hate for my driver is a good thing.

  14. Earnhardt is his last name. the ones that dislike him probably realize him for what he really is, a marketers dream.

  15. I don't think people dislike Junior himself.  He is a good guy and a good race car driver.  What most the haters don't like is all of his fans having a "Junior can do no wrong attitude".  They want to blame all of Juniors problems on someone else.  And the media crams Junior down your throat all the time and his fans make it even worse.  I like Junior alright though.  He lives a few miles down the road from me.  We pass each other on the road often and he is always nice and waves.

  16. You can't please everybody. Jr is who he is and is liked for who he is, on and off the track. Like many drivers he does plenty off the track that is hardly talked about or noticed.

    I am a Jr fan but not another driver hater. They all are doing something only we can dream about and pretend to know so much about when in fact we know very little!

  17. Jr Fans remain loyal no matter the situation! as for JR haters..that is such a harsh word, in my opinion it does not matter whose Fan you are, you are either loyal or not a FAN!

    As for the "golden spoon" comment, SR made JR work for everything he has gotten..was NOT handed to him on a platter, he proved himself in the Bush (Nationwide as they call it now) Series, then yes his dad helped him negotiate the Budweiser contract, after then..he made his own name whether you or anyone else likes it or not, that is why he has been voted most popular driver and not because his is Dale Earnhardt Sr's son!

    Why can't all the so called "haters" and "bashers" realize this.

    WE ARE FANS! no matter what driver we pull for, stop the MADNESS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Rack#88 I meant it all, we are FANS!!!

    WTG Lynn #88..i hear ya loud and clear..great answer!

  18. His fans are mostly influenced by his dad.   He's had the golden spoon, yet cant win.  He's waaaay overrated.

  19. Because Jr fans come here to talk about racing...the haters come here to convince us that Jr is overrated, sucks, old, out of shape,  etc..etc..etc.  It seems like it's their goal in life to turn Jr fans into Jr haters...and that's all they want to do.  In every question about Jr, someone, I guarantee will say something negative about him.

    Be it #18 Rowdys World, Over88td, fluffy, clint l, or especially bestanswer.

  20. Some Nascar  fans are like football and baseball fans...They are band wagoneers...They,ll jump trains in a second...Most of these jr. haters have short memories or are new to nascar..They don,t remember jr. winning anything...Even the king went winless for 4+ years...43 the king...

  21. I think there's more Jr. Fan Haters than Jr. haters.

    I like him, but will take every opportunity to bash beer-swilling toothless neanderthals that think cause they spent $22 on a tee-shirt it somehow makes them as cool as Dale.

  22. Most of the Jr. haters are currently posing as Kyle Busch fans.

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