
For Noni juice drinkers: Which benefits have you received from drinking Noni juice?

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For Noni juice drinkers: Which benefits have you received from drinking Noni juice?




  1. pain has anti-inflammatory properties....I had plantar fasciitis....the only thing that took the pain away and kept it side effects. I have also recommended it to friends and family who have found relief for various problems for pain to digestive problems......not all Noni is created equal...some has fruit juice mixed in....that means less Noni for your money....the ONLY brand I will drink comes from this site.

  2. OMG, I thought my mom was the only one who made me drink that.  It has such a funky smell and she'd make me put it on my face to cure the acne.  I'm not sure if it cured my acne or I just grew out of it, but my sister has been taking a supplement called Ashanti Isotonix blend that works well for her.  It's available at but I would recommend you to take the Nutriphysical test.  It's a free survey that analyzes your lifestyle and then recommends to what it is that you should take.  They also do customized supplements.  You can even print out the recommended nutrition and take it to your dr!

    Good luck

  3. the thing with noni is drink the noni juice and than eat the fruit and to two taste very different so you would do way better just eating the fruit but i thing that i know works is i believe it is cheaper than noni and it works better ^.^ i know i am much more fit and i am slimming down and i feel so much better

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