
For Paranormal fans...Any other Mediums?

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Are there any other mediums here on yahoo answers? If so, would you consider it a gift that you were born with or something you picked up later in life? And does it bother you that you are one?




  1. Dear friend,

    Though I am not medium but am very much interested in this topic. Have read many books also. Recently I visited SSRF (Spiritual Science Research Foundation) center in Goa and there saw many such phenomenon’s of possession and research carried out there….

    Please visit following link. This is a small video about such research carried out…  


    This will give us awareness about what we are….Please do view it and let me know what you feel…

    With Warm Regards,


  2. I think sometimes these things seem like "gifts" but turn out not to be. I agree with Timothy. I don't know what or who it is...but I'm totally convinced..there's something or someone (or more) "out there".Lots of times I wish nothing like this had ever happened to me.

  3. im just now getting interested......alot of weird stuff has been happening to me lately....i wasnt a person who believed in this kind of stuff.....but i really believe there is "something" out there

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