
For Parnents With Autistic Children?

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How old was your child when first diagnosed with autism? Did you know something wasnt right and take your child to a doctor? And what kind of doctor did you take them too? A regular pediatrician?




  1. She was 8 - she is now 11 w/  Asperger's.

    I tried for 7 years to get someone to tell me what was going on w/ her.

    She was diagnosed by a psychotherapist and developmental ped at a childrens hospital.

  2. While this does not directly answer your question - there is some new and exciting resources for parents available at Autism Speaks.

    The 100 day kit is a blueprint for things you can do and information to gather in the first 100 days after you get an Autism Diagnosis.  A lot of good information there on diagnosis and criteria as well.

  3. My daughter was diagnosed at 2-1/2 (that was 7 years ago).  I knew something wasn't right, but I didn't know it was autism.  I called early intervention, and the school psychologist, after several observations in different settings, suggested that it was a possibility.  I went to my pediatrician with my concerns and their reports.  My pediatrician told me that "NO WAY does your daughter have autism. Those are behaviors"  I asked again for a referral to a specialist, he insisted that she didn't have autism.   I ended up writing that pediatrician a letter regarding his treatment of us, his lack of listening, and I fired him.

    I found a pediatric neurologist who did testing, and confirmed that her symptoms and behaviors were consistant with autism.  A developmental pediatrician also diagnosed her with autism, without knowing that I already knew.   My daughter is now 9-1/2 and she still has autism!

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