
For Republican voters...Do you like VP nominee Palin? Why or why not?

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And will her nomination as the VP make you want to vote for the Republican ticket more or less?




  1. she is a wonderful person, great choice.

    Probably just won the Republicans the election, that's why

    the Dems are digging so hard for dirt.

  2. Yes, reasons:

    She made a big difference in Alaska (a good difference)

    She's technically more experienced than Obama (not that experience matters, results matter and she has more results than Obama as well)

    I agree with her on political issues more than McCain (I'm a Conservative)

    She's better looking than Joe Biden (and joe biden is a douche bag)

    She is less plastic than all the rest of them.  (the rhetoric frightens me)

  3. So far the list of reasons most of you gave was

    A) Shes  a women and

    B) Shes a nice person

    I kind of feel bad for her because i feel shes being used for her s*x which, some of you stated was a good pick to give women a new out since hillarys not on the ticket.

    McCain can say all he wants that she was properly vetted but she has more current baggs then all 3 of the other pres and vp picks combined.

    I hope a women becomes president/vp some day, but it would be nice to know she earned it instead of it being handed to her for political reasons.

  4. I normally vote Libertarian, but I'm voting for McCain, because of Sarah Palin. She's smart and absolutely HOT !

  5. Sarah Palin is a very impressive person. She's smart, tough on her opponents, stands in agreement with many of the values that I believe in including her energy policy, her views on abortion, she's a dedicated wife and mother. She's just a well rounded person who shares many of the same beliefs as I do.

  6. she's alright.

    More experience then Obama though which is always good in my book.

  7. Sorry, I'm Democrat, and I chose to vote for McCain when Obama won, so I'll answer too.

    Yes, I like her, she only reinforced my decision to vote for McCain. I was at the point where I was only going to vote for him if he chose Romney, since he did a great job here in Mass, but after researching Palin, I'm sticking with McCain.

  8. Sarah Palin is s**y

  9. Palin has a reputation of cleaning up political graft and corruption.  She also has a reputation of getting bottom line results, which is proof she is financially conservative.  The fact that she is a working mother while supporting strong family values is proof she is a forward thinking and progressive "socially liberal" person.   Sarah Palin is a fine example of the women's rights movement as well.  I think she is the best possible choice for this race because she brings so much to the table.  

  10. i was going to vote for McCain anyway. However, I will be giving money to the RNC now to help with the election.

  11. I like her fine as a person...but If I were to pick it wouldn't have been her. I just don't trust McCain much and I looked to the VP pick to help that issue I have with him. It did not do that for me.

    I'm voting Barr 08 now...

    I wanted Romney as well...

  12. Yes, I would much rather elect a ticket where the Vice president has inadequate experience than one where the President has inadequate experience. She is also very consitent on her views and record, unlike most-certainly unlike Obama.

  13. I have some republican views so I'm answering for points. Bad choice on his part but I don't give a care. He's helping Obama win!

  14. Yes

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    It's worth noting that Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    Most women do not know that all BC pills kill  babies and here is how.

    We may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    As VP she could break a tie vote in the Senate, and explain this to the men in the Senate.

    Since McCain's father did not live to 72 she will probably even be President.

  15. Yes I like her. I was voting for McCain, regardless of who he chose as VP. Whoever runs againist Obama gets my vote !!  McCain 2008

  16. She offsets ALL of McCain's weaknesses.

    He is old (72 and a persistent problem for his campaign) She is young (44). He has no executive political experience. She is the only one in the whole election who has been the leader of anything. Barak Obama was getting tons of press for a "History Making Campaign" and now however it turns out history will be made. (80% of the news coverage over the past 3 days has been about her and not Obama. That only helps McCain.) Additionally, McCain added another STRONG incentrive for the women who supported Hillary and where upset with Obama to switch sides. Even Geraldine Ferraro (Democrat VP nominee 1984 and UN ambassador under Clinton) now says she doesn't know who she will vote for!

    It was a BRILLIANT decision!

  17. The do..The only one they got...women Republican should be very happy  you got you self woman to vote for.

  18. Yes, I like her, because she's not wishy washy.  She's very much like Alaska her self - original and strong.

    I was already voting Republican, but now, I'm doing it with a bit more excitement.

  19. No, she has barely any experience.

  20. Yes, she pretty lady

  21. Yes, I do.

    I think she will help McCain win.

    She seems real and not like a perfect vp.

    With her 17 year old daughter having a kid

    and her son, she just seems so real.

    i like her and I am voting for mccain.

  22. Yes.  More

  23. The Republican voters will definitely vote for her.

    It's the sneaky independents, many of whom are actually closeted Republicans.

    You should really ask them.

  24. She is an awesome Lady, very brave and I think she will be a fine Vice president.

  25. No. This pick is irresponsible. McCain is a cancer survivor of 72 years old. Palin served as mayor of a town with 5000 people only two years ago. Just imagin if McCain can not function as the president, Palin is going to be the president of United States.

    McCain's pick is irresponsible for the Republican party and for our contry.

  26. Yeah, I like her I guess.  I think that she probably wants to do good things, probably would like to help run this country by the constitution and defend the constitution to the best of her ability.  However, she is such a small fry when it comes to national and world politics that the people behind the scenes that are really running the country and the world will be able to dictate everything she says and does.

    What we need is a candidate who understands what is going on and will take a firm stand to be constitutional- not just republican or democrat.  Where are you Ron Paul?

  27. no. Limited experience, don't trust her to be commander in chief, wanted Mitt Romney.  

  28. I like her as a person, and the milf that she is.

    But not as a Vice President. McCain is an idiot, but then again, after 4 years of Bush, I was never going to vote for him in the first place.

  29. Of course I don't know her personally, but I think she is a bad choice for VP. She has no experience and it seems like she and McCain have no rapport.  I wouldn't trust her to handle things if he were to become unable to stand as President.  

  30. McCain made a great choice.  He had my vote before, he still has it now.

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