
For SAHM's, do you get any help with the kids?

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I have a daughter who will be 3 yrs. old in October and a 6 week old daughter as well. My husband leaves for work at 6:00 am and doesn't get home until 6 or 7 pm. I feel like I'm taking care of the house and kids all by myself and I was just wondering who else does everything on their own. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but it does get overwhelming! My newborn cries unless she is being held so my back is in pain, and our older daughter needs more attention as well. We live in a small town and there aren't any play groups or mom groups available to go to, and all of my friends are either working, going to college, or taking care of their own children. My best friend has an 8 week old baby, and I'm jealous because her younger sister MOVED in with her and her hubby to help with the baby, plus her mom and her hubby's mom both help out alot because they don't work. She's always telling me she don't know what she would do without her family helping her...while I have 2 kids and no one around me to help out. How do you manage everything? What are some fun indoor things to do with my daughter while holding our newborn? It's so hot outside that I don't feel comfortable taking both kids out in the heat....any advice or anyone in the same boat as me? Thanks




  1. Get over it. And stop your whining. Single dads and single moms doi everything on their own. EVERYTHING! You need to learn to manage your time and your family. I don't get help and I WORK 40 hours a week and stay very active in my kids lives.  

  2. I am.  My husband is out of town for 2 to 3 weeks at a time with his job.  This leaves me at home with our little one.  I get lonely because I have no adults to talk to.  I only wish my husband was home every night just to have a civil adult conversation.  My parents work 8 to 8 so I get no help either.  All of my friends work and have kids so we only get together once a month.  My 17 month old is my only company.  I do feel for you.  Yes I do it all by myself too and even when my husband comes home he doesn't really do anything.  My son prefers me to do it all anyways.  He does play with him for a few hours but as for all other things I do it.  

    Your daughter is at the age that she may like reading books with you, playing with blocks (you could build together), singing songs, playdough, puzzles, coloring, bubbles (put down a towel in your kitchen), and painting her toenails maybe(?).  If I were you I would invest in a baby sling to give your arms a break.  If you need more info on these just email me.  

  3. No help here, I've always done it on my own with the help of my husband of course. I have 4 kids who are older now but when they were little it was difficult. My oldest are twins. I suggest you break this habit of carrying the baby around. It's not even healthy for the baby anyway. Start out slow giving her some alone time for short periods and increase the amount of time each time until the baby is spending less and less time being carried around. Try having a good routine and a schedule.

  4. I live upstairs from my mom and stepdad now and they will help out sometimes which is great but when it was just me and the boys on our own I did it on my own.  

  5. Me!!! I am a SAHM and Full Time college student and like your husband, my husband is gone all the time...I have to do everything by myself and go to school and get good grades....I have no one to help me, I just wing it!

  6. Sorry no advice here as I'm stuck in the same boat except I have 2 step daughters who are 12yrs old and 15yrs old and they are right lil cows beyond words can express, sooo many troubles with them it's not funny, plus I have my 5½yr and 3yr old daughters as well as a hubby who works as a Security Guard and works nearly every single night, he rarely even has 1 night off in a week, so he works all night and sleeps all day, so I am doing it alone, I have inlaws from h**l who don't help but only cause more problems with older 2 by constant disrespect of my hubby (their 1st born son mind you) and myself towards the older girls. and I have to keep 4 kids quiet during the day and do everything myself. So yeah, I don't know what I can say that would help, except what about have a tea party (pretend one I mean), lil girls at that age usually love that mine does. ummm colouring in, crafts, like get some colourful pieces of foam and cut into different shapes and have your daughter make a picture out of them, or anything, like differnt coloured foils etc. Make some macaroni jewellery, dye some pasta and dry it out and thread it on wool to make a necklace, bangle etc. Make some flash cards up of the alphabet with a simple picture like A- is for Apple (pic of apple) etc.

  7. Not much.

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