
For Sale By Owner. Do I use Americas Choice, 2.5% realty direct, purchase a flat fee MSL #?

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What option should I use when selling FSBO? I dont want to lose 7% to a realtor when I am 100% confident that I can do the work my self. Should I use a giant sign in my yard, 2.5% direct, americas choice or a flat rate mls number? Is there a way to bird dog realtors for a sale? I wouldnt mind paying a couple grand but 7% would just kill me. Comps are selling for $180 - 190,000. I was going to buy a url and make a website that has a couple hundred pictures and a video walkthrough. I am savvy with advertising but I want to be open to realtors as well without locking into one to sell it for me and paying 7%. Please help.




  1. You would have to research each FSBO company to see what they offer.  You would be best served to offer 1/2 of the normal commission to a buyer's agent so that a buyer's agent will be inclined to bring you a prospective purchaser.  You will still save the listing side commission.  If you're  "savvy" with advertising, you don't really need answers from anyone here, you simply need to do your due diligence with the various FSBO companies and find out who will give you your best value.  There are some national and some local FSBO companies, so hop on-line and start researching.  Best of luck.

  2. just tell any realtor that you will not pay a commission and they must get it from   the buyers when they call and they will

  3. You are aware that any agent with a buyer is going to want their 3% anyway?   They are unlikely to go less, because they are going to end up doing all of the work, and they know it.

    7% is reallly high, you should be able to get one for 6 or even 5.

  4. a giant sign would only be seen by people who already live in the area. gas is too expensive for people to go driving up and down every street in every town looking for houses that are listed on the MLS system - do you know how to handle all the paperwork from the sellers side without s******g yourself? in the current market - it is taking 6-9 months to sell houses with a realtor - by yourself it could take a year or never and if you're going to advertise, in the long run that will still cost a lot of money sunday newspaper ads with a photo are expensive- it would take months for a website to get any traffic - IF you know how to get website traffic to begin with. You would have to spend every waking hour trying to get the word out about your house and

  5. If you're 100% confident you can do it yourself, then you should already know what you need to do....

    Realtor commissions are all negotiable. You don't have to pay 7%. Yet you must figure what you are getting for the money.

    You can go flat rate for the MLS fees with HelpUSell or some other similar place. But that's usually it. They post it on the MLS and that's it. Everything else is up to you. Making the appointments. "Qualifying" any potential buyers. Verifying that they gave you a preapproval from an actual lending source instead it just being a piece of paper with writing on it.

    How about scheduling the certifications? Inspections? Use and occupancy permits? Title company? Settlement company? What if there's a problem that arises? Do you know the costs of fixing/upgrading certain items? Do you know how to reassure the buyer that what needs fixed really isn't major? Will they actually listen to your suggestions? You are the homeowner.

    Having a Realtor work for you is not just about costs, but getting things done right and in a timely fashion. It's about knowing the laws. You will probably need an attorney for a transaction like this, but you already knew that. They cost a few bucks an hour.

    Good luck

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